Excerpts from Events

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Love Love [05:14 min] Falling in love is not a formality. Falling in love happens, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - India Habitat Centre addressed by Prem Rawat India Habitat Centre addressed by Prem Rawat [03:41 min] People ask me "Give the Knowledge to me". I say, No. First, recognize your thirst. Because if you are not thirsty, water doesn't mean anything. There is nothing to sell here, and nothing to buy. Knowledge is not for sale. It is not for sale. Not a penny! Not because it is very cheap, but because its priceless. Because there is not enough money in this world to buy it. Knowledge a mirror-
Knowledge is a way to go inside. To see, to feel, to experience.

India Habitat centre Advises and if needed, assists the Government in the formation and implementation of policies relating to habitat, and human settlements.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Breath The Breath [07:18 min] You ask for blessings. You ask for your prayers to be answered, but the biggest prayer has been answered. The biggest. The moment this breath comes into you, you've been blessed. What do you think of that?
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Young Presidents' Organization (YPO) in Lisbon, Portugal Young Presidents' Organization (YPO) in Lisbon, Portugal [02:49 min] In the tradition of YPO, I'm going to share my experience with you. 40 years ago I was 13 years old. My objective was to take a message to the people of the world. And it had to do with human beings and to cause them to explore themselves as the source of Peace.

We want success, and I say to you, there should be two types of success. One is in your business life. That has to be successful. But there is another one. And your business life's success will be judged by others. But there is one success that cannot be judged by others and that is the success that you feel you are in your life.

You too have an incredible potential; not as a CEO but as a human being. That's part of my message- As a human being. And when you understand what it means to be alive, I can tell you, all the rest of the successes will follow!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Prem Rawat talks about Kabir Prem Rawat talks about Kabir [06:10 min] Peace is not a disappointment. Peace is a reality. The joy that is inside of you, is a reality. This is an actuality. And you see, this is where it gets a little funny. If I say it, you migth say, "Aww, I don't know, he said it." So, I bring along Kabir. And when he says it, people go, "O Wow! Kabir said that." And it works very well. Works very well for me. Just bring on along Kabir, and get him to say it. And then people go, "Oh yeah, I got it."

In this world, you become absolutely loved and credible after you die. It is absolutely amazing. Death has a profound effect on people. But thats just how it is. When Kabir was alive, did anyone hear him? No! He died penniless. No credit was given to him. He was just somebody battling this stuff. After his death, "Ohh, have you read his stuff!"

And what does he say? That divine that you are looking for, is inside of you. That Kabir said. See, I said the same thing a few minutes ago, exactly the same thing. Thats why Kabir is great.

What is this world like? He says that people are going all over the place searching and looking for that divine, when that divine dwells in you. Like the musk deer who searches for the scent throughout the forest but the scent resides within its own navel.

He says, imagine a pond and on the pond there grows a lotus and all around the lotus, the bees are buzzing. And the same way, he says, this mind wonders buzzing around all that it finds attractive. And who is caught in it, everyone. All the knowledgeable ones, all the intellectuals, all the ones that have all the credentials, all the holy ones. I did’t say that, Kabir did! They are all buzzing around this stuff.

All the while, the divine is waiting for you, to be acknowledged. The church of churches is within you. The temple of temples is within you. And the one you seek, is within you. What do you need? You need someone who can show you the way inside. Somebody who can put a mirror in front of you, so you can see, who you are.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Come a little closer Come a little closer [09:20 min] This evening we have an opportunity to listen about a simple reality, because you exist. It is so easy to conjure up all the ideas and concepts that exist in this world. It is almost impossible not to be affected by all the hearsay that go around. And all of a sudden, a simple reality gets ignored.

What is this reality? You're alive. That within you in-fact, is the divine. Within you are the answers that you seek. Lot of people go, "If that's the case then how come I don't see the divine?"

I've an explanation for that. If you were to go way out, into the outer space. First you'll just start to see a little bigger picture. You can see more, more, and more. Right? No! Not entirely true. The further out you go, Even though you can see more, the resolution drops. So all of a sudden you don't see human beings any more. If you go few light years, you won't even see the blue sphere!

So, what's the trick? The trick to see that which is really there, is beautiful. What is it? Come a little closer.

Peace is inside of you. And people say they don't see it. Feel it. Why? Because you're so far away from your own self. And the answer- Come a little closer. And keep coming closer, closer, closer till you see it.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - What makes you truly happy? What makes you truly happy? [06:17 min] If you were to lose everything! Can you be happy? When you were born, how many husbands did you have? or how many wives or girlfriends did you have? Did you even, in that time, know that you were happy? Were you incapable of being happy? Have you seen a little baby?
I want to ask you, what makes you truly happy? Is it some thing, or is it you? This my friend (pointing to the heart), is the home of contentment and peace.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Life Life [06:02 min] Prem Rawat talks about his perspective on life, analogizing to playing a piano.
If you want to look at life, look at it this way. That it's a bunch of layers. Only one sheet is real. The rest are just translucent overlays on top of that one real sheet.

What I do, is I ask people to lift those layers one by one and see that they're only the layers. Every layer is changeable. The only thing that doesn't change is the basic fundamental layer on which everything is developed. Life too is very much like those layers- We've got our relationships, friends, jobs, this and that; pretty soon getting caught in all of these layers that we forget what the main sheet is- what it is about.

Some pianos come with 88 keys. Lowest note- highest note. All songs played on that piano will be contained between those notes. If artist goes beyond those 88- nothing! Doesn't matter how good he is. If someone says "Press all 88 keys at once, and it will play every single song that can be played on the piano". Technically it's true. But it will not sound beautiful, it will have no emotions. A song is not just about playing the key, but the silence in between. That's what defines the song.

In this life, if you take all these notes and mash them together and say "yeah, everything is fine. I'm playing the song." You're sadly mistaken- there's no song. If life doesn't seem quite right, you are not mistaken- It's not being played right. It's about the sequence, the silence, the harmony. This is what constitutes a song. It beings with your existence, your life, your clarity, your song. You playing the song, not some hired artist playing it for you. It is your enjoyment of that song that means everything.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Five seconds of Heaven Five seconds of Heaven [03:02 min] Prem Rawat speaking in Salvador, Brazil
Try this- it works, believe me. When you go home, try it. Five seconds of heaven. If you have children/husband/wife at home, try to make five seconds of heaven for them. What would make five seconds of heaven for a husband- this is what's amazing. It's not breakfast. Listen.
And the day you want to make five seconds of heaven for yourself, listen to your heart.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Prem Rawat asked to define peace Prem Rawat asked to define peace [02:45 min] On the 23rd of May 2013, Prem Rawat spoke at the UWC Red Cross Nordic college in Flekke, Norway to an audience of students and faculty.