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Prem Rawat - Maharaji - You are the source You are the source [64:43 min] Peace is not, as people in 70s used to portray, when I first came to the west. people would paint flowers, and everybody went this like this (gesture for victory symbol). That's not peace, that's flowers! This is not peace, this is two fingers. Peace begins with us, with human beings. You may have heard that before. What does that mean? If you do not know who you are, you're not going to know what it is that you won't. We're not here to start a quest for peace. This is not a start. This is just one of the chapters in the history of peace!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Today Today [24:30 min] There is an incredible show going on. And I have the tickets. The star attraction is the divine. You wanna go see the show? It's quite amazing and satisfying. How long will the show last? Till your last breath. Will it happen again? I don't care, I want to watch this show. This is your time, your moment. Either embrace it, or reject it- it will come. Because it is a gift.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Santiago, Chile Santiago, Chile [63:48 min] I want you to understand your fragility, and at the same time, I want you to understand your strength. Because there is a strength that you have that is unparalleled — but it lies in the realm of clarity.
Santiago, Chile. Monday 16 April 2012
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison Choice: The Peace Education Program at Zonderwater Prison [27:07 min] This video shows how TPRF’s Peace Education Program is having a profound impact on the lives of inmates at Zonderwater Prison in South Africa.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - More than words More than words [35:30 min] A compilation of different events, which were held at
  • Seattle, Washington
  • Phoenix, Arizona
  • Universal city, California
  • Miami, Florida
  • White Plains, New York
Our reason for being here is to take the spotlight from everywhere to let it shine on something that is inside of us. From morning till evening we think about everything. So the spotlight is on everything else. Everything is being catered to. So take the spotlight from all those things for a few moments and say "Wait a minute. There is something going on here that is fundamentally very powerful and beautiful." Something that should be appreciated, accepted, catered to. That's what needs to happen. Because you've been given this life. The ability to be able to listen to understand and take in what is being offered. It's offered because nothing is being charged. By the very nature that it is not charged, it's a gift!

What an incredible opportunity to not be empty-handed. If you don't wanna go empty-handed, you better not be empty-handed right now. Got to start hanging on to it. Collect! Don't let this day just go by. It's happening now, and now is the time to gather inner strength.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Mazara del Vallo- May 2011 Mazara del Vallo- May 2011 [41:17 min] Prem Rawat's visit to Mazara del Vallo, Sicily, on May 27th 2011. He made a keynote address to 1200 people highlighting the first annual Week of Peace celebration in Mazara del Vallo.
Maharaji starts with "Mr. Mayor, distinguished guests, ladies, and gentlemen. Not only the weather is co-operating, the hearts are warming too. And the subject of Peace is being discussed- talked about. Which in my humble opinion is the most noble subject to be speaking about. Because it is important to every human being on the face of this earth. I've held no government position. I've been and I'm an ordinary citizen like you..."

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Prem Rawat - Maharaji - What is Peace? What is Peace? [65:20 min] I'm here to hopefully make you think about the possibility of understanding and having peace in your life. I don't know who you are. But I know, in some ways, you're very much like me.
It is easy to toss around the word "Peace". But what is Peace? What is it? Is it a moment in which all you hear is the crickets? Wind chimes, no traffic, no airplanes going overhead. Is that peace? Well, you'll be surprised, but to some people that is peace. And that's sad. That silence from external noise/pollution has become so irritating. When we find absence of that, we say "Peace"!
Or is it an undeniable feeling not born of thought. And this is a big issue, isn't it? Think about it. Everything that we react to, is born of a thought. It doesn't take much for us to get upset. So is peace simply not being upset. For some people, it is. It's sad, but it's true.
Then what is peace? So let me tell you something, I can't tell you what it is. Does that mean I haven't felt peace? I have felt peace. And I can feel peace every day. And I feel it every day. But I can't tell you what it feels like. Like I can't tell you what the sugar feels like, in my mouth. I can't! I can only allude to it.
I have nothing to sell to you, but I appreciate that you came to listen to me. So I'm going to tell you something. There is something that can put you in touch with that real joy that is inside of you, and it is called Knowledge. The Knowhow to be able to get in touch with that beauty that is inside of you. You hear my words, guess what? They're not just words! When I said you should feel peace, I can make it happen. Am I being unhumble? No.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Finding Home Finding Home [26:33 min] What I'm offering is not “Let's imagine a mango” No. Here is the mango. Here, have a bite; taste it. That's what I offer. So the prepare becomes seeing that home as it is. The preparation becomes really really preparing yourself to see it with your eyes. Not somebody's else's explanation. Thirst- it's there. It needs to be discovered. Knowledge is there- it needs to be discovered.

I'm here to help. To help facilitate that process. I get to hold the mirror up, you get to see. The answers are within you. And so far you've become very good at formulating questions. Now let help you to accept answers that come from within you.
The art of coming home.

Have you seen an ant? If you've seen one ant, you've seen all ant. There they are, always going about their business. They get a little concerned when you come around, because you may step on them or something. And they go places to find food. But there's one thing that is really remarkable about the little ant. This tiny little ant may venture all over the place (And your lawn is like big thick jungle for the little ant) And it goes wherever it has to go. But there is one thing very special- and that is this ant knows how to get back home. For this ant, it is really really important. Got to get back home. Think about that. Wherever it goes, whatever it does, it does everything to remember how to get back home.
Do you know how to get back home? Because if you have mastered the art of going out but not coming back, then it is a half the mastery. It's kind of one-way experiment. And people to that- make the list; this is what I want in my life. Fine. Go and do whatever you have to do. I'm not the one who will tell you what you should and shouldn't do. But a piece of good advice, do you know how to get back home? Where is your home?
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Wish you were here! Wish you were here! [24:41 min] I can tell you one thing, every person who has been within, has called out to the entire humanity and called out "Wish, you were here!" Because there is no place like home! And that's your home (pointing to the heart).

When people are told by doctors that they've only 6 months to live, first it's hard to digest it. But once they come to terms with it, I've seen them getting bubbly. They become conscious and start enjoying everyday! "I don't wanna be distracted" But why does it have to be dire straits before clarity kicks in? Can't we have it before the dire straits? And you know what that process is called? Being Conscious.

You want to pray? Great! But what should your prayer be like? Santa Claus's wishlist? Or should the prayer be "Thank you! Thank you for this life, for this breath, for today, for this moment". But it isn't. Because there is no experience of today.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Lima, Peru Lima, Peru [50:14 min] There is a metronome. And it is the metronome of this breath that is beating and beating and beating. When you listen to the symphony of existence, what happens? Kindness fills you, because you understand.