Full Length Videos

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Peace is a Priority- Lisbon, Portugal Peace is a Priority- Lisbon, Portugal [66:07 min] It is the most amazing thing to be alive. Do you know that? It’s fantastic! It’s amazing! Unbelievable! Truly unbelievable. Against all odds. Every day that you’re alive is against all odds.
Prem Rawat speaks about people taking responsibility for their own peace and everyone playing a part in bringing peace to the world.
Lisbon, Portugal. Sunday 14 June 2014.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Staying Focused Staying Focused [63:23 min] Prem Rawat focuses on the stark difference between the dust and elements that make up a human body and the life that makes that body into a human being.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Melbourne, Australia Melbourne, Australia [61:33 min] Understand the value of every single day that you are alive, because it is irreplaceable. That’s the reality — that you weren’t, you are, and you won’t be. That’s the reality. And this isn’t about death. This is about living, existing, and knowing what it means to be alive.”
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Sydney, Australia Sydney, Australia [58:26 min] This is the song that your heart wants to sing — and it is the song of peace, for you. Yes, all of this is poetic, in a way, but only to those who see this as rather impossible. For those who understand, they see its possibility.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Montreal, Canada Montreal, Canada [65:51 min] When the truth is actually told, it is the sweetest thing on planet earth. It is sweeter than any fragrance of a flower. It is sweeter than any singing of a song. It is sweeter than the sweetness of nectar itself.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Accra, Ghana Accra, Ghana [71:09 min] Who are you? You are the drop that holds the ocean within it. Turn within, and feel the joy of being alive.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Write Your Own Story- London Write Your Own Story- London [78:24 min] At the Wembley Arena, Prem Rawat spoke to an audience of over 5,000 people about the peace that resides in every human being and the impact that a little kindness can have in a person’s life.
London, England. Sunday 29 June 2014
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Denver, Colorado Denver, Colorado [65:42 min] You are as real as this breath. You have an amazing relationship with this breath that you need to understand. Because it all started for you the day you took this breath. And it’ll all end, the day you don’t take it.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - A Faint Voice in a Screaming Storm A Faint Voice in a Screaming Storm [64:54 min] Prem Rawat speaks about the value of being alive and the need to make contentment a priority, regardless of how much turmoil might exist.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Can you hear this truth? Dublin, Ireland Can you hear this truth? Dublin, Ireland [72:01 min] If you’re going to live this life, you have to come from strength. And strength does not come from vagueness. Strength does not come from ideas just floating around in somebody’s head. Strength comes from knowing. Do you understand the meaning, the value, of knowing yourself?
Dublin, Ireland. Saturday 5 July 2014