Excerpts from Events

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - How people portray God- Amusing How people portray God- Amusing [06:47 min] Be in that joy, in that understanding, of what you have been given. The greatest of the gifts is coming and going of this breath that you receive. And this is the blessing. You want to be blessed? You are blessed. People say that to me "O Maharaji, I want to be blessed" and I say to them do you have any idea how many time you have already been blessed? Do you really want to know if there is a God.

When I say God, I don't mean to say a God with a face, and two eyes and a Temperament. I mean the way people present or portray God - Touchy, Touchy, Touchy! You put this glass over here - that's it you're gone - Pitch fork and barbequed. You are toasted!

I don't know if you have ever watched Clint Eastwood movies- With cigarette in the mouth that twinkle in the eye, and hand on the Gun - Make my day! The way people portray God, is almost working for the devil. No, not the face, not make-my-day type of God. I'm talking of God who is truly Omnipotent, is Omniscient, and is Omnipresent. Doesn't need a face, doesn't need twinkle in the eye, doesn't need bad temperament. But passion and compassion, and in this Universe and the universes beyond, holding them all together. From dust creates the Sun, the moon, the earth. And for all of it to go on. from nothing to create everything. From nothing to create this earth. To create ceiling without the pillars. And you to have the ability to witness this, not just see. To see is one thing, but be able to admire.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Are you rich? Are you rich? [06:22 min] What does it mean to be rich? Now, rich isn’t just rich in money. You can be rich in many things. So, what is the definition of being rich? Two elements are involved in being rich. One- You have to have something precious. What does precious mean? Something that is not ordinary, but something precious. And secondly, you have to have abundance of it.
Gold is precious. But having a gold the size of a hairpin, isn’t going to make you rich. Two elements. You have to have something precious and lots of it. And the more you have of it, the richer you are. And both things, the preciousness and abundance play off each other to make you rich. If you have a lot of nothing, you are not rich! Two things have to be, two elements have to be.
So, now the question becomes, are you rich? What is incredibly precious? And not only precious, but what do you have that is precious and you have abundance of it. There is something, and its not dollars, and its not diamonds. It is another kind of wealth and one thing that is incredibly precious is this breath that comes in and out of you. And not only is it precious, here’s the beauty, it comes in abundance, not just one. Coz that wouldn’t make you rich. The two things, the two tests that it has to pass, precious and abundant. There is one thing that qualifies. Every human being that is sitting in this hall, outside of this hall, in this world, everyone, has this. And it just so happens to be the source of immense joy.
When you have found, not only the abundance, but the richness of that existence, of that breath, of that gift that is coming in and out of you. And somebody to point that out. The obviousness that you are alive, not what you can do. The fact that you are alive. There in lies, the foundation of peace for you, there in lies your treasure, there in lies your clarity, there in lies your understanding, there in lies, your peace.
Peace is not a piece of something. You cannot buy peace. Like I say, Peace is the perfume of god. And when you find that god, which god? Not the one that lives over there, but the one in you. Then you smell the perfume and when you smell the perfume, you feel the peace, the tranquility, the reality, the beauty, the simplicity, of life. Not the complicated, not the duties, but the richness, the abundance, the preciousness.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Interesting story- at University of Malaya Interesting story- at University of Malaya [09:43 min] Maharaji narrates an interesting story about the thief. The funny story has depth of his message behind the words. Maharaji addressed his message and his work, to the heads, lecturers and young students of Malaya University (Kuala Lumpur).
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Coming and Going of Breath Coming and Going of Breath [05:41 min] You want to know how to recognize the miracle, then understand that today is the miracle, and tomorrow when it comes will be a miracle. Your breath is a miracle. If you don't know what you have, how will you know what is lost? You need to know what you have. And you have so much.

Path to inner peace begins with just that- opening your eyes, and looking. And seeing things as they are. Not how could it. Not how it should it. But as it is.

So much, so much goes on. So many ideas come. And you little boat is sailing down the river. I say to you "Captain, wake up!" This is not the time to dream my friend. Wake up. Look, look where you're going. If you don't, disaster is inevitable. Thats not what you need to have in your life. Everyday should be a celebration.

Have you ever seen a sunflower? A sunflower does not have GPS, or maps, or big instruments. But somehow this flower turns at night, and is ready for the sun. Will it be a cloudy day? Don't know, it's just ready. It's facing the right direction for the sun to come. And whether sun is visible or not, it just follows and follows the sun. All the clouds don't stop the sunflower. Because ultimately, its not the clouds that are permanent. It is the relationship with the sun. And the time comes, clouds clear. And once again the sunflower is tracking the sun.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Promise of Life Promise of Life [05:59 min] I'm not here to tell you what is right what is wrong. I'm not here to try to point out the problems of the world, because there are too many, it will take more than an evening. But you know, despite of all those things that are wrong in this world, there are somethings that are good. Really really good- all the ugliness that is in this world, there is something very very beautiful. All the mistakes that have been made in this world, there is one that is perfect- It's not a mistake. That perfection, that beauty, that right, is in you. And that is what I've come to talk about.

There are people who like to point out all the problems. And I'm glad in a way, that they do. But I think there should be some people who point out what is beautiful. Because this life that you have, despite of all the problems, is beautiful. And sometimes we forget the importance of being alive. Caught up in our troubles, turmoils, ideas, and concepts; we forget what we have been given. Look at the desert, the time to see the desert is not in summer, but when it rains. Because mysteriously even the desert holds in it, the promise of beautiful life; of delicate tender flowers. But it needs the rain. Without rain the rivers don't flow. Even though they hold their shape. That dry river waits, and patiently waits for it to rain. And once again, the water to flow through it. It is ready. It is ready. Who are we? What are we? Are we the sum of all these things that happen around us? Or is there something more? The sum of waking up in morning and realizing one's responsibilities? Or there is something inside each human being that wants to smile. That wants to be thankful, and feel gratitude- To feel the joy!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Because You Are Alive Because You Are Alive [06:12 min] Because you are alive, you will make a voyage and what will this voyage be like, no one knows, you are given a vessel, this human body and by the very fact that it exists, it will make a voyage, it will go truly where no one has been before. All the logic and reasoning precludes reality. And reality is what you have to deal with every single day. Even though you do the same job every day, No two days are alike. Every day is different. It is not just a question of good and bad. It is a question of how you view that. How do you make this voyage, how does it happen? Who are you and what is the purpose of this voyage?
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The sweetest and simplest place The sweetest and simplest place [02:23 min] All my dreams have come true.
I still dream of other things but all my dreams have come true . Because I am alive, because I exist.
This in the sweetest and most simplest way becomes my home, you are at home! This is your home, this existence is your home.
Be in that serenity!
Be in that contentment!
Be in that joy. For the person who is singing, which note can he sing on? For the person who is playing the piano, which note has he a license to play an off-key? "None!"
On a piano it is not about the keys that are not played, it is about the keys that are played.
Enhance those keys should be that the sound that comes evokes the feelings that it should evoke!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Craftsmanship Craftsmanship [07:56 min] This is craftsmanship, to make a moment, and never two alike. To make a second and never two alike. To make human beings and never two alike. To make the trees and never two alike. To make a snowflake and never two alike.
When it pours and pours and pours rain, remember, the magnificence that you have been blessed with. Remember, what the possiblities are. Remember that you are a part of it. You are not some abstract, good for nothing that just happened to be. When the craftsmanship is so good, then every bit needs to be looked at and admired. Nothing is frivolous. Not a grain of sand is out of place. Not a leaf, not a snowflake, not a raindrop is out of place. If you accept that then you must also accept that you are not out of place.
The admiration, the ability to admire is one of human being's greatest achievents. Your admiration is unique. Your gratitude is unique and it is not out of place. When you feel the gratitude, it'll be you, who will be touched. When you admire, it will be you, who will be filled with incredible bliss. This is how it is. You know that. I know that. You forget that. I know that.
You see a day, you see your problems. You wonder what will happen to you after you die, but you never wonder what will happen to you whilst you are alive. See, you have asked the questions, but the wrong ones. See the reality, you know why? Because it is more beautiful than anything else. It is so easy to chew what the world has fed you up to now. When will you stand on your own feet and say, I want to know! I need to know!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Core Is You The Core Is You [03:37 min] To understand in this life, to understand your existence. There is a big difference between shadow and you. Even though the shadow is cast by you, you are not your shadow. When the sun goes down, the shadow will not be there, but you will be. And this is the distinction. These things exists because I exist but these are not my existence. All these things I rely upon exist because of me but I do not exist because of them. The Core is You. You exist. And because you exist there are certain things that also exist, and how unfortunate it is that we start associate ourselves with those things and pretty soon we say, "Well, they are me. I am them." They are there, but you are not. Your life, your understanding, your steps, your journey, your elation and your filling of heart is the process of contentment.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Prem Rawat at Tel Aviv, Israel Prem Rawat at Tel Aviv, Israel [09:48 min] Everybody that is here goes through their little routine, little ideas, little journeys, and most of us in this world are trying to make sense of it. What does this mean. Come what may, all the changes in this life. You get to a point in your life where you hate changes. You don't want them. Will changes happen? Of course they will happen. Every second, every minute, you are changing.
This breath is not just a breath. Ram says, that this body is the vessel to cross this ocean. What is this ocean? That's a whole another topic.. whether you call it ignorance, whether you call it darkness. The coming and going of this breath is my blessing. Do you want to feel blessed? Everytime that this breath comes and goes. This is God's blessing to you. What else could this breath be! And its coming and going is the blessing of your God on you.
It is the most subtle and it is the most divine and it is the most powerful. Cannot take two, cannot take four! One at a time. This breath brings the gift of life.
Is it not truly a blessing? The coming and going of this breath is my blessing. Then he goes on to say, what you need is a master with strong arms who can row this boat across one shore to the other. To emerge the victor, that's why I am here, today in Israel.