Hindi Videos

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Chinta (Tension) Chinta (Tension) [09:44 min] People keep worrying about everything and gets so lost that they even forget about food. They worry about tomorrow. There should be only one worry: in my life too, I experience that peace. Not just one day; everyday! This the misconception with people- That we need to experience peace just once. If you drink water one day, don't you need to drink next day? Similarly, there is need to feel peace everyday in your life.

What is second misconception? That I'll need to leave my family for peace. Who told you that? You need to sacrifice one for the other.

Maharaji also tells an interesting story of a Jinny.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - This is about you This is about you [03:02 min] This is about you. Not about your family. Not about your country. Not about your city or village. It is about you and only you. About the person in whose body the breath comes. What has been said about that? In every heart, my lord resides; None has been left without. Blessed is that heart in which he manifests.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Love- Your real nature Love- Your real nature [04:07 min] How much money people spend on each other to make people kind. People spend so much money so that we don't get angry.
If you are happy from within, and feel satiated, then don't you get kind automatically. Think, if a person is driving and he is feeling angry, then would honk, and shout on others. But if you are happy, then you smile automatically. If someone wants to come ahead of you in queue, you will let him come, if you are happy.
Why is it so? Today the whole world is trying to make people kind. To make people live together in harmony. But no one is trying to get satisfied from within. And unless you are satisfied from within, the outside peace will never come.
Many people say this is not possible, but I am lighting lamp one by one. There is no one who doesn't want that true love and joy in their life. But people get caught up in definitions, and they miss out the real experience.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Shanti kise chahiye? Shanti kise chahiye? [14:37 min] Maharaji's event at Sirifort auditorium in Delhi
In this life, there are a lot of things. There is a possibility that we may not get this opportunity again. We've to listen about this life, and let's take something from this talk so that it can add some value to our life. This is not about the world- this is about each one of us. Trees, mountains, rivers don't need peace. We the people need peace.

When you're in problems and surrounded by sadness, at that time too, the peace is within you! What does heart says to you? It says 'Give me freedom'. And what do people say? 'Oh, you're already free. We're not in jail. What kinda freedom are you talking about?' Heart says, 'Living behind the bars; you're neither free not slave. And if you have misconception that you're free, then listen! Even if you think you're free, you're not! Because the bars in your life are stronger than the iron bars that you've seen. And these bars are of ignorance, doubt, sadness'.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Recognize your breath Recognize your breath [01:51 min]
Because till today. the breath was strange to you
Befriend your breath
because where so ever you go, it will come
whichever door you close
it will continue coming
and the day it stops coming
that day, you too will become a stranger to yourself
What do you understand about friendship?
If there is a friendship in this world then it is
because this breath resonates in you
If there are awards on your wall
then it is because this breath resonates in you
Today if you are called an erudite person
then it is because this breath resonates in you
and if your business is gargantuan then it is
because this breath resonates in you
and the day it ceases to come
there will neither be any awards
nor will anyone come to congratulate you
But what so ever is happening
in this world
it is because, this breath comes and goes
Recognize this breath!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Computer, and the three Termites Computer, and the three Termites [06:15 min] There was a time when computers were not available to public. When it first came, I bought one. At that time computer didn't have the screen either. You had to buy that separately. There was no concept of packaged software. A thick book would come with the computer. And you'll have to write the software yourself for getting the task done. It was meant to save time. Did it? Nope. Reading the book, going through the code, debugging it. It used to eat up all the time.
And today, the software comes packaged, and you don't need to do all those stuffs. Just install it, waste even more of your time! On one side the world tells you, it saves your time. you just follow the trend.

The termites dwell in you, and making you hollow. People have such an imagination of happiness. To have a beautiful family, and to have dinner together. But what happens when there's a fight? If people listen to your hopes, you're a Shake Chilli (an unrealistic Indian Character). There are three types of termites consuming you day and night. How would you get rid of them?

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Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Do you have time for yourself? Do you have time for yourself? [10:09 min] What does the real master do? He cuts the extra rocks around you to carve you into a diamond!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Kya shanti sambhav hai? Kya shanti sambhav hai? [06:39 min] People pray for good job, good husband/wife, good kids. Their ulterior aim is to be in peace. We just never realize that.
I've come to say this- peace is orthogonal to all the situations in your life. You fulfill all your responibilities in whichever you want. But their is one personal responsibility to your own self. This is your personal venture- Have peace in this life!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Millions of years ago on this planet Millions of years ago on this planet [18:43 min] There is this whole world. You're alive. You live on this planet. What is this planed made of? Dirt, nothing else. What is the true? What is a lie? It can all be understood with one connection. And that connection is with the master. Because the true teacher not only explains, but he also allows you to experience what he talks about.
There was a time when this earth did not exist. Dust came together to form this earth. And here on this earth, we've all heard many stories. About 5,000 years back, 6,000 years back. But do you know what had happened millions of years ago on this planet? Millions of years ago, human beings did not rule this earth. There were huge, and you have no idea how huge! Huge creatures walking around shaking the earth. They were the rulers. How big were their teeth? One tooth as big as you're. Just one tooth! And those animals ruled this planet not for 1,000 years, or 5,000 years; they ruled for millions of years. What remains of them today? Just bones. And of those that evolved, they're alive today but they're now smaller. Why am I telling you all this? Because it has relation to the master as well.

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Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Aaj- Today Aaj- Today [10:29 min] Coming and going from this world - is like the waves come and go. This is your life. There was darkness before sunrise, and there will be, after sunset. But this day that you've got - what will you do today? Because this life is today. In this life of today, will come afternoon and then the dusk, and thenn the sun will slowly set.