interview,Jeremy Gilley in conversation with Prem Rawat,quote
interview,Jeremy Gilley in conversation with Prem Rawat,quote

Question: "Is peace a fight sometimes?"

Answer: "Of course it can be. But let's just look at the basics.
In my opinion - and I've thought about this a lot - almost 40 years-
what I understand is one simple thing: if you're trying to create
manifestations of peace, without peace, it is going to be problematic.
If peace is at the core, then the manifestations of peace will be automatic.
They will happen. But if peace is missing in a very fundamental place,
and you're just trying to create the manifestations,
it's going to be very, very difficult.
And that is why I try to take my message of peace,
that peace is inside of you."
-Jeremy Gilley in conversation with Prem Rawat