i am,Prem Rawat at Asheville, US (2012),quote
i am,Prem Rawat at Asheville, US (2012),quote

We are so attracted by what happened in our past lives,
and what’s going to happen after we die,
that we forget all about being here. And that, to me, is wrong.
Because you, as a human being, should understand the value of the shortest,
most complete sentence in the English language.
It is not, 'Who I was,' or 'What I will be.' It is, 'I am.'
Because if you need peace in your life,
you’re not going to get it from where you will end up,
and you are not going to get it from where you were.
You’re going to get it from where you are.
-Prem Rawat at Asheville, US (2012)