Jeremy Gilley in Conversation with Prem Rawat

In May 2013 Prem Rawat met with Jeremy Gilley to talk about peace, its importance, and understanding how it might be spread. This conversation is part of PeaceBeat's 48-hour webcast.

With a series of terrible armed conflicts during the 1990's, Jeremy Gilley, a British actor and filmmaker, wanted to know why peace was so distant. As a young man Jeremy was frustrated, angry and confused about the appalling suffering that was going on in the world. But he decided he wanted to do something about it. And so began a journey to try and create at least one fixed day where the world would be at peace.

Jeremy's strategy was to make a documentary about his efforts to establish a global day of peace, believing, quite reasonably, that he would fail. However, he felt that in failing, his film would place a spotlight on the issues of peace, and embarrass politicians and global leaders into action. Against his wildest expectations, the 21st September was unanimously adopted by all countries of the United Nations as Peace Day.

Jeremy has subsequently gone on to establish the NGO Peace One Day to campaign for global recognition and acceptance of the day.

PTC News: Khaas Mulaqat
48:26 min

Prem Rawat in Miami, Florida, June 2010
02:16 min