The Grand Illusion- Maya

This is not about the books, this is not about the explanations. The people who are caught up in the explanation are going to need more explanations. Am I wrong? You think all the explanations that have been written 200 years ago, 300 years ago, 2000 years ago would have been sufficient. You think that is sufficient? People are still writing them. People are still interpreting and trying to figure out, what was 'really' said! Do you think its going to stop anytime soon? No. People will go on explaining to you, what was really meant when the word was used. And you, you want nothing better than a predigested package- feed it to me! This is how most people are! There are a lot of people who're going to buy the new iPhone. But they're never going to read the manual. And for years they're going to go around, till they find somebody else who has an iPhone and has also read the manual, and go "How do you do it?"

Whoever can explain to you this, of how everything happens, is not telling the truth. Because; it cannot be explained. We forget our very humanness, that we are human beings. So many have come before us. We are tantalized by technologies, 'oh its different now'. Is it? What has all this technology got to do with your humanness. Your humanness has nothing to do with it. Your sorrow, your joy will not be affected by all of this. This was dubbed long time ago, there was a word given to it- Grand Illusion 'Maya'. People still don't understand on how could this be an illusion. They even make jokes about it being illusion. It is an illusion because it is here today, and gone to tomorrow. What seemed to be forever, is gone. And where? No one knows. Right in front of your eyes, a day is gone, the biggest magician plays his grand effects. A day is gone, and a life is gone- and nobody applauds of how wonderful that little illusion was. Because this is not an illusion, because this is not an illusion. What is gone- is not coming back. Thats why you need to be conscious in this life.

A singular focus
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