Excerpts from Events

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Make the connection Make the connection [02:32 min] What is this message all about? Really it goes back to what this life is all about- what this existence all about. And even more so, it goes back to the little story, that is yours. Your story. We're also interested in everyone else's story. We're very interested in knowing what's going on in this world. Are you interested in what's going on in your little world. This is what I talk about.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Incredible Miracle Incredible Miracle [03:30 min] Today a miracle happened- did you know that? A miracle took place! And this miracle wasn’t about milk out of the walls. This miracle is made possible by the most divine. And the miracle was your existence today. And then if you are alive tomorrow, it wil happen again. And it is the miracle of all miracles. Today in your life- there is a possibility of being content. And wait- it gets better- today is the possibility in your life of being happy, of being thankful. Because you were happy, because you had peace, because you were content, and understood the essence of knowledge, the essence of learning. You may have a lot of knowledge but may not understand it. It's no good. That which you understand becomes yours!

Freedom- What is true freedom? I don’t speak of freedom that other people think of. I am talking of freedom that can be experienced in prison. When you are locked up, has your freedom been taken away? Yes! One freedom has been taken away, but there is another freedom that cannot be taken away- even in prison. And that's the real freedom. Peace that can be felt in the middle of the battlefield- that's the real peace. Nobody can take away from you. And that's your reality. And that is Who you are
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Chances of living life in joy Chances of living life in joy [03;49 min] What you talk seems practical. But how we do get peace in this day and age full of competition?
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Berkeley University- California Berkeley University- California [02:23 min] Speaking to a distinguished set of guests, faculty and the students at University of California, Berkeley, Maharaji said:
What I am talking about is very very simple. In a way it's about you. But not in a way that you have heard it before because people come and address other people. And what is talked about is how it could be. And I am not here to talk about that. What I have to talk about is, How it is!
Everything that you need to make the dream come true, you already have. It is within you. And this is a wonderful and exciting reality. Recognize what you have been given.
I am not here to tell you how to lead your life. What I am here to tell you do whatever you have to but do not forget the thirst of your heart. Don't forget your innate call. Don't forget your own nature of who you are. Don't forget the gem of a treasure that you have been given. Find the unchangeable and you too can enjoy this ride of life like you never imagined.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Want for Peace The Want for Peace [05:07 min] Where did the idea of peace come from? The want for peace has been on the face of this earth as long as there have been human beings, the need for peace was identified a long time ago and a very open formula was also presented to the world a long time ago and the formula said "Peace then Prosperity".

The need for peace comes from within you. It is not an intellectual peace. Peace is a desire of your heart. Because in you lies the possibility of peace. The face of peace is none other than yourself when you are in peace. Peace does not belong to any nation or society or religion. Peace belongs to people, like you and me and the peace will manifest in the cathedral of your heart. That is the only pure place that is.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Miracle Is Existence The Miracle Is Existence [06:49 min] Prem Rawat talks about the miracle of life. “The most beautiful miracle is: from nowhere comes this breath and brings the gift of life to you. This is your story. One breath at a time. That’s your beat. That’s your rhythm. Do you understand what a miracle this is?”
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Reward The Reward [04:32 min] The joy that you have in you needs to be honored. The love which expresses itself in Kindness, Gratitude. You need to start seeing that divine in a new light. And that light is in your heart. The homage doesn't need to be paid by building a temple of marble, but by a temple inside of you.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - No Blind Faith No Blind Faith [05:46 min] One thing that I would like to mention to you is, you need to be fulfilled in your life. You need to have peace in your life. With me, or without me. It doesn't matter. It really does not matter. If I can help. Great! If I can't. Fine! That does not change the point. And the point is, you should be fulfilled. Thats the point. You should be in that peace, that is the point.
Logic will come, logic will change. But we are all human beings. This is what we are, this is who we are. I see rich and I see poor, and then all of a sudden, I just see people. I see educated and I see uneducated, and then all of a sudden, I see just people. Same thing, those eyes looking out to see something nice. Thats all. The ears yearning, to listen to something beautiful. This heart in everyone of us, yearning to be fulfilled.
One journey completed, one journey taken in surety. One journey made real. One life, at a time. You see, you are just like me. And I am just like you. We are both vulnerable in the same sense and we both desire the same thing, and so is our yearning, and so is our understanding, and so is our need. If we fundamentally recognize that need, then thats what it is all about.
What do I offer?
I offer knowledge.
How do you get it?
You listen and make sure that this is what you want. No blind faith. No blind faith here.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Balancing Rod The Balancing Rod [09:16 min] This is an excerpt from an event held in Tokyo, Japan.

Last night I was thinking that eventually, one of the fates that we all have to go through is that this existence comes to an end and when this existence comes to an end, what actually comes to an end, that ends it?

Its actually a very simple and a very profound process. And the three things that dance in this balance, the breath, the consciousness and then nothing. You see, in truth, we are this breath, we are this consciousness. If this is taken away from us, we are nothing, nothing.

Some people say, that this life is like walking a tight rope, and this is the one I like. Tight rope, point A, point B, just a rope. Go from here to here. Whats here? Whats here? Whats on this side? Whats on the other side?

Now, thats what I like to talk about. So, a person finds themselves in ignorance and they yearn knowledge. Thats the other side. A person finds themselves in the doubt, person yearns clarity, thats on the other side. A person finds themselves in pain, then they yearn joy. You see its no mistake, its not a mistake.

And when we feel the pain, thats the reaction. Get me out! Away, not into, but away from the pain. That is wisdom. You want to know what wisdom is, thats wisdom. Its the wisest thing that is, that you suffer and you want to come out of the suffering.

What am I made out of, these atoms, these molecules running around. Do you think they are any different than an egg plant? Do you think so? No! Some came together made that egg plant, some came together made me. Now you think there is a difference between me and the egg plant. Thats the great mystery. Because some people are walking egg plants. These egg plants can talk, and these egg plants can walk. But there is no difference. They came empty handed into this world they are going to leave empty handed in this world. They do not know the difference between joy and sorrow. They do not know the difference between knowledge and ignorance. They do not know the difference between darkness and light. And like the silly dog that tries to chase its own tail. Like the silly dog that looks at the mirror and barks at its own reflection. Thats the way they are.

Not passing judgement. So, be it, choice has been given. You can be a walking egg plant. It is perfectly acceptable. Whether it is acceptable to your heart? Whether it is acceptable to your nature? Thats out of the story. And you have to feel in your life, the urge to walk this rope.

But if you do decide, get a balancing rod, cause you gonna need it. Something to balance. Why? Because the gravity is going to be saying, "You down here." Your heart is saying, "Me over there." And gravity will say, "You down here."

To overcome, you need the balancing rod. To stabilize you. Why? Because you will make mistakes. And when you do, this balancing rod will take the mount. When you start to lose your balance, you can lean with this balancing rod and it will help bring your balance back in. However, each step that you take must be precise and deliberate.

You are not left without the tools. To create the urge, you have been given the thirst. To push you along this journey you have been given a heart. And to take each step, precisely, so you may do that, you have been given consciousness. And if you do decide to take this little trip, then there is no greater balancing rod than this knowledge. Because this knowledge is the most beautiful, most stable balancing rod there is. And so take it.

There are people who want to give you scenarios, why you should do this. The real master will tell you, how you can do this.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Pivotal Question The Pivotal Question [01:17 min] Is peace a manifestation of something which is happening inside a human being or is peace something on the outside only and this is where we have to slow down because the definitions are abundant. But what is peace, where does the desire for peace come from? The desire for peace is innate to every single human being on the face of this earth. This question, in my opinion is the pivotal question.