Excerpts from Events

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - A Reminder A Reminder [00:56 min] A perspective changing, hope giving, life changing reminder in few seconds.
Prem Rawat asserts, "what you are looking for, is within you. And if you want it, I can help."
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Looking for Joy Looking for Joy [05:30 min] Open my eyes, and let me see the good that is in my heart. Let me admire the beauty of my existence, the simplicity of being. So many people come to listen to me with hope that I will give them something magical- A word that they can speak and all of a sudden their car that hasn't started for 15 years will start. The toilet that hasn't flushed for 30 years, will flush! It's no coincidence that story of Aladdin exists in all the culture in some form. If you open your eyes and see, you ultimate wish has already been fulfilled
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Made to Enjoy Made to Enjoy [09:09 min] Who are you? What are you? What is this body all about? You try to make this body comfortable. What do you do when you go buy a shoe? You put them on! And then you walk, WHY? To make sure that these shoes have not been worn before? You walk in those shoes to make sure they are comfortable! So we spend a lot of time, a lot of energy to make sure our body is externally comfortable. Do we also spend that time to make sure that our life, our existence is internally comfortable or do we learn how to live with disparity, with anger and confusion? This is dirt! And you spend so much time making dirt comfortable. Why? Because this is how you are made. It is important for self-preservation of this body that it does not like pain. Something hot, "Reaction", because it does not like pain. What have we done in our lives to make ourselves comfortable within? This dirt moves, it talks, it sees, it smells, it tastes, why? And not only does it smell, it likes to smell that that brings it joy. Seeing- what does it like to see, that what brings you enjoyment. This is how you are. This is who you are. Make no mistake. Your existence wants to be fulfilled. What does your heart want to do. It wants to enjoy and what can your heart enjoy, this is the question.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Most Amazing Miracle The Most Amazing Miracle [09:01 min] There is something so amazing inside of you, that you cannot comprehend. That there is something so beautiful inside of you, that you cannot compare, because you have never felt anything as beautiful as that. Your imagination can only take you so far, but in the realm of this heart, in the realm of this inner beauty, there is something that is indeed divine. Not by your making, but by its very nature. This life is about the most incredible union of the finite and the infinite. This is where the two have come together. This is where you get to feel the divine that resides within you.
From dust you came, to dust you will go. And the magic of those two things, the beginning of the end is so you can be fulfilled, thats when this is about. That out of dirt, a doll is made and in front of your eyes this doll walks, talks, dances, thinks, thats not a miracle? Thats the most amazing miracle. But of all those miracles there is another miracle that happens, and this is the miracle of the breath which comes into you from nowhere and every time it comes, it brings you the gift of life.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Prem Rawat in Miami, Florida, June 2010 Prem Rawat in Miami, Florida, June 2010 [02:16 min] This event was held in June 2010 at Miami in Florida, US. Using various examples, Maharaji spoke about advice and understanding where it comes from; about how to follow the heart in order to make the best decisions; and what it takes to embark on the road to peace. Throughout, he returned to his main themes: what it means to be truly wealthy; to be fulfilled; to be content; to be full of joy. What it means, in short, to be alive.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Winning the War Winning the War [07:00 min] There are going to be many battles. But there's only going to be one war.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Upanishads The Upanishads [04:09 min] One of these scriptures written a very long ago, and there is one little thing that I came across. There is a definition of what is knowledge and what is not. Here is the definition. That which brings you the knowledge of the self is knowledge, everything else is "non-knowledge". It takes a little while to sink it. But thats how it defines it. It does not dismiss science. But it says, the true knowing is the knowing of the self. Everything else is relative.

This is powerful. Because then, Socrates echoes the same thing, "Know Thyself." Today, "Know Thyself" has become a little thing they teach in the university. So, they can be tested and you can write an essay from it. The phrase from the Upanishads, hardly anyone knows it. But knowledge as it relates to knowing of the self and the value and the importance of knowing of the self is still alive today. It is being talked about, and being presented as the most important thing and people agreeing with it. Not one or two but hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - A singular focus A singular focus [02:25 min] Prem Rawat speaking in Washington, D.C., USA
The question becomes- Is the focus to have that joy to have that joy in this life. Is the focus to be content and fulfilled? Or is the focus in bewilderment.
What you do entertain as a thought every single day? Gratitude? Or I wonder what happens next! Bewilderment will not bring you gratification. Never has, never will. Knowing, feeling, experiencing- will!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - At Oxnard, California- Moments & Birthday At Oxnard, California- "Moments & Birthday" [04:05 min] Prem Rawat, commonly known as Maharaji, questions what the source of inspiration is in this life, suggesting that there is more, and that more is beautiful. You can actually look forward to it. Birthdays are something you look forward to. Though the meaning of birthday is that certain number of years in your life are over. But is it about mortality, or there is more? A moment just went by, and it means more than all the years, because all the years that went by, came as the moments called now.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia- Closing address Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia- Closing address [09:41 min] Closing address by Prem Rawat, at Griffith University in Brisbane Queensland Australia, followed by a vote of Thanks by the President of The Institute of International Affairs of Queensland.