Excerpts from Events

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - A Good Detective analogy by Prem Rawat "A Good Detective" analogy by Prem Rawat [03:38 min] Maharaji talks about the demands in life and how much effort it takes to make others happy, and emphasizes how important it is to find contentment and peace, as well. Now is the time to be fulfilled, he says; "This is your time to be happy."
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Thirst and focus Thirst and focus [02:39 min] Prem Rawat speaking in Mexico City, Mexico
Live your life with the thirst and focus, and you'll succeed in whatever you want. Find the water- the water that dwells within you. The answer that is waiting to be recognized.
You're looking for peace, and peace is looking for you! And what do you need to do? Be still; stop running around.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Griffith University, Brisbane- Australia Honors & welcomes Prem Rawat Griffith University, Brisbane- Australia Honors & welcomes Prem Rawat [08:34 min] Maharaji addressed a distinguished audience of faculty, students and guests at Griffith University. He was thanked by a leader from the Australian Institute for International Relations. Griffith University is committed to high standards of scholarship, innovation, internationalization, social justice, ethical standards and lifelong learning. It consistently ranks high among Good University Guides, with the Griffith Business School ranking 11 in 2006.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Two Ants Two Ants [06:05 min] I will tell you a story. Once two ants met and one ant lived on a hill, that was made out of sugar, the other ant lived on a hill made out of salt. They met, "I live on the sugar hill." "Sugar hill- what is sugar?" "Oh, it is this wonderful sweet tasting hill." "Oh, I have never heard of that, I am from the salt hill, salt you know, its salty, you eat it, you get thirsty. This sweet stuff sounds pretty good." So, the ant from the sugar hill said, "Why don’t you come over one day and taste it, see do you like it." So, the ant decided, it is a pretty good idea, new taste. They decided on a date, the date came. The salt ant was on its way. "I am going to this sugar hill. What if I do not like it. What if it is terrible. Then I will be hungry. I know what I am gonna do, I am gonna carry some salt with me. In case I do not like the sugar, I will have the salt." It put some of the salt in its mouth, took off, and arrived. "Oh, I can’t wait to taste the sugar, where is it?" "Here, taste it." Ant put the sugar in the mouth, chewed on a little bit. "This is like salt." "Is it?" "Yes, there is no difference. You call it sugar here, we call it salt. I mean it is the same thing." So, the other ant said, "I do not think so, open your mouth, let me take a look." Sure enough there at the back of the mouth, there is this salt and it took out the salt. "Now taste it." "Unbelievable. So different. So amazing. So incredible. Love this stuff. I am moving."
All this was not to be had the salt remained in the mouth. Thats why clean the table. Clean the plate and taste this. As it should be tasted. Not mixed with something else. Taste this, so you will know what its flavour is. Thats all. This is not a blend. This is about you. This is not about your accomplishments. This is about you, you being alive. I know one thing and this is so simple, its almost ridiculously simple and it is, the coming and going of this breath, is the most amazing thing happening in your life.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Potential Potential [03:14 min] You are alive and because you are alive, you have this possibility, Prem Rawat says. What is the possibility? he asks. Know. Know that all is meant to be well. You have the potential to know and you should know.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - That's what I do That's what I do [02:25 min] Reality is much more beautiful than fantasy. Because there is someone actually with whom you can live with 'Happily ever After'. And that is in your heart. No conflicts, no judgement.

This is the reality my friend. You're here and you are the ocean of peace, of kindness, of understanding, of happiness. Look within and you'll see what I'm talking about. And, if you do not know how to look within (opens his arms)- This I'm good at! That's what I do.

I'm not here to sell you anything. You search, wherever you find it; perfect. Be happy, enjoy it, be content. Flourish. But if you don't find it, look me up.

I've this way, I call it knowledge; To know. That can take your attention from outside, turn it inside and you can feel that ocean inside of you. That's it. That's what I do.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Kabir- No-nonsense, no philosophical mumbo-jumbo, straightforward poet Kabir- No-nonsense, no philosophical mumbo-jumbo, straightforward poet [05:53 min] There are people are far more infatuated by only two questions
  1. Where did I come from?
  2. Where am I gonna go?
Then there is certain group of people who are much more attracted by the other two questions
  1. Why am I here?
  2. Who am I?
In your life you have to focus on which of these four questions, you really want answers to. Which ones? On the subject of first two, there's immense amount of speculations. And somehow the way the nature has it- you can't verify it. It's all hearsay. Whilst the other two question requires tremendous amount of consciousness and clarity and they deal with 'now'.

To put this in perspective I'm going to quote Kabir. My favorite no-nonsense, straightforward enlightened poet. No philosophical mumbo-jumbo. Kabir says:
Ram bulava bhejiya
diya Kabira roye
jo sukh saadhu sang mein
so baikunth na hoye
"God has sent me an invitation- the final call". And upon hearing this, knowing that he's going to die, Kabir starts to weep. For he says, the joy that I find in the company of this truth and in the company of the seekers of the truth. That joy is greater than the joy of heaven.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Play It With Passion Play It With Passion [07:48 min] Human being is an incredibly fine, sensitive, experiencing instrument. That truth resides in you and it will sing out. That is the ultimate passion. Play this instrument. Its resonance, its gratitude, contentment, peace, joy, these are the nodes of this instrument. Play it with the passion it deserves. Fortunately or unfortunately till you play, that yearning will never go away and if you play it that yearning will increase. In my book when something is like that that without it the yearning never goes away and with it the yearning increases then this is the most accurate description of true passion. And that is the passion you need in your life.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Ability to Be Happy The Ability to Be Happy [03:58 min] I ask you, "Does your ability to feel contentment actually ever vary?" The answer to it is "No". The ability to feel that joy in your life doesn't vary. So let's stop for a second. Hmmm, the ability does not vary, but the joy that I feel does vary. I would be a hypocrite to say to you "Yes, 24x7 365 days a year, I'm in complete bliss" I'm not going to tell you this, because that's not true. Things happen. So what does that mean? It means that I can actually make an effort and feel that joy- far more than I ever imagined. Just simple, I want to feel a gratitude when I wake up, that I'm alive. That is blessing- this breath is coming in and out of me. I can find my joy within me.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - From Coal to Diamond From Coal to Diamond [04:42 min] You have heard the word transform? Let me tell you about the transformation of coal. Coal is very dirty. It is so dirty that if you touch it, your fingers will become dirty. It is so dirty that if you are just around it when it is being handled, the dust from it will get all over you and you too will become black, like the coal. That how coal is. You see coal miners come out of the coal and they are completely black.

But, and this is the big but. When that coal is squeezed and squeezed and squeezed, it begins to transform, and it becomes a diamond. Now, lets talk about a diamond. Diamond is very different than the coal. Its clean. You put it in your pocket, and nothing will get dirty. You put it in your hand, it will not get dirty.

And then, if you take that diamond, cut it, facet it, it is such pure form of carbon, squeezed, that it will begin to shine. You can take the coal, a soft piece of coal, and try to clean it, wash it. If you try to wash a soft piece of coal, you know what will happen? The soap will get dirty. Your hands will get dirty. The cloth with which you are cleaning it will get dirty. Everything that it touches will become dirty.

And then the diamond, it is so tough that it can polish other things and make them shine incredibly. This is one of the most incredible examples of transformation.

So, do you have this possibility in your life? I am here to tell you, you do! You do! And that squeezing, I can make that happen. I have this wonderful gift, the gift of knowledge, that can transform you, from coal to diamond.