Excerpts from Events

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Breath The Breath [07:18 min] You ask for blessings. You ask for your prayers to be answered, but the biggest prayer has been answered. The biggest. The moment this breath comes into you, you've been blessed. What do you think of that?
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Why is Paris Hilton crying? funny but thought provoking "Why is Paris Hilton crying?" funny but thought provoking [07:19 min] Maharaji talks about how difficult it would be to explain to a poor Indian farmer why Paris Hilton is crying. How can she suffer when she is so rich? Because pain and suffering dont look at your bank balance, education, awards, looks, age, nationaltity. Neither does peace!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Answers to 2 FAQs- as a Freebie! Answers to 2 FAQs- as a Freebie! [07:40 min]
  1. Where did I come from?
  2. Where am I going to go?
I'm going to give this as a freebie because this is not what I deal in, ok?
There is this (pointing to the body) and there's you (the infinite). You deal with this (the body) everyday. You take care of it whole day; you brush, you shave and do all the things, but you don't deal with infinite everyday. You're one more element than just this body- that 'Hans' that resides in you, that makes you 'you'. What is death? It is just the simple disconnect between the two.

If you recognize only as a body then the answer to the two questions are: You came from this dirt and you're going back to dirt. Not so glamorous, but true.

And if happen to be so lucky, to recognize the infinite in you then I've got good news for you. That's where you came from and that's where you gonna go!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Play It With Passion Play It With Passion [07:48 min] Human being is an incredibly fine, sensitive, experiencing instrument. That truth resides in you and it will sing out. That is the ultimate passion. Play this instrument. Its resonance, its gratitude, contentment, peace, joy, these are the nodes of this instrument. Play it with the passion it deserves. Fortunately or unfortunately till you play, that yearning will never go away and if you play it that yearning will increase. In my book when something is like that that without it the yearning never goes away and with it the yearning increases then this is the most accurate description of true passion. And that is the passion you need in your life.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Ocean Inside The Ocean Inside [07:52 min] Maharaji talks about the ocean that is inside each on of us. He is also in humorous mood as he talks about the human behavior!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Craftsmanship Craftsmanship [07:56 min] This is craftsmanship, to make a moment, and never two alike. To make a second and never two alike. To make human beings and never two alike. To make the trees and never two alike. To make a snowflake and never two alike.
When it pours and pours and pours rain, remember, the magnificence that you have been blessed with. Remember, what the possiblities are. Remember that you are a part of it. You are not some abstract, good for nothing that just happened to be. When the craftsmanship is so good, then every bit needs to be looked at and admired. Nothing is frivolous. Not a grain of sand is out of place. Not a leaf, not a snowflake, not a raindrop is out of place. If you accept that then you must also accept that you are not out of place.
The admiration, the ability to admire is one of human being's greatest achievents. Your admiration is unique. Your gratitude is unique and it is not out of place. When you feel the gratitude, it'll be you, who will be touched. When you admire, it will be you, who will be filled with incredible bliss. This is how it is. You know that. I know that. You forget that. I know that.
You see a day, you see your problems. You wonder what will happen to you after you die, but you never wonder what will happen to you whilst you are alive. See, you have asked the questions, but the wrong ones. See the reality, you know why? Because it is more beautiful than anything else. It is so easy to chew what the world has fed you up to now. When will you stand on your own feet and say, I want to know! I need to know!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - All is Well All is Well [08:21 min] You are on this planet earth. You are alive and you are making this journey. It is very easy to get confused. Well, there are so many people with me making this journey. No, they are not. Now how can I say that, because if you think they are all coming with you in this journey. Only one drops off.
I will tell you what happened. Grand Illusion happened. You are travelling alone. Every step. You think there is somebody to catch you, you are mistaken.
Is that bad? Is that a horrible news? The question isn't that. The question is, you have been walking. So, learn how to walk straight. Learn, how to walk in earnest. With the head held high with clarity, with smile, with a laughter, with certainty. All is well!
Krishna said, long time ago, even in your darkest hour, I will not abandon you. In other words, All is well!
That the gift of all gifts, the supreme gift, the gift of life, the gift of breath, the gift of being able to understand, the gift of being able to fell is unfolding everyday, never being taken away from you. Infact these gifts have been given with so much exacting power, that nobody can take them away. No one can take away that gift that is so freely given. This is what it means, to walk in clarity.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - With the Heart of a Child With the Heart of a Child [08:29 min] We have certain natures. We have the ability to feel pain. When something painful is placed in front of us, what it triggers is pain. When our hopes, and dreams, and ideals, and our little castle of sand. When somebody comes and plays with it, we don't like it. When hope is taken away, we don't like it. Where do you wanna be? Wherever you've decided to be be, may be more painful than current scenario.

What do you want? Do you know what drives you, what inspires you? What is this thing that doesn't like hopelessness. What in you wants real peace? Why are you attracted to truth? What is this truth business? This microphone is black (pointing to microphone in front). This is truth right? So you felt peace? You felt the salvation? Did you feel free? This chair is almost neutral gray. So are you free? You feel free now? Did you see God? See, that may be true, but that's not The Truth. If our consciousness is plugged into that, then it would bring not just joy, but supreme joy- Joy unparalleled. And methinks, that's what we should be passionate about. That if we were, the flood gates would open.

To understand the ultimate truth. Because the ultimate truth is so simple, that you have to be utterly simple to understand that. How simple? How simple? With the heart of a child! What does a child have that you don't. You have more of everything- older, more hair (some!). Child has simplicity. You don't. Careful, you do not qualify! So if you want to experience that passion, you will have to have a heart of a child. That means not doing, but undoing!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Griffith University, Brisbane- Australia Honors & welcomes Prem Rawat Griffith University, Brisbane- Australia Honors & welcomes Prem Rawat [08:34 min] Maharaji addressed a distinguished audience of faculty, students and guests at Griffith University. He was thanked by a leader from the Australian Institute for International Relations. Griffith University is committed to high standards of scholarship, innovation, internationalization, social justice, ethical standards and lifelong learning. It consistently ranks high among Good University Guides, with the Griffith Business School ranking 11 in 2006.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Heaven, hell, and God Heaven, hell, and God [08:45 min] Look what people have done to God. And why? Because there are expectation. When they don't get according to their expectations "There is no God". What is expectations from God; Two eyes, two ears, white hair, light in the back (only in the back, not in the front), teeth, lips, hands, feet. So then people go "I'm looking for God." Are you looking for God, or you're looking for somebody you think should be God? God doesn't need eyes. What is God going to see with the eyes- who is omniscient and see everything doesn't need eyes like this in front, coz you can be doing things at the back! This is expectation.

Put aside your expectations. Know how to receive. When you are open, you go inside, you feel. Knowing the coming and going of this breath is the blessing. God is residing inside of you. What is your reason for living? Are you living for fulfilling other people's expectations? Now, how do you know about God. Its simple, somebody told you! And whoever the first person was, whatever spices he put on in description will stick with you for the rest of your life. How do you know about heaven, and the hell? Have you been there? You can say "I'm sure what I felt now, must be hell" I can understand that, but see somebody told you about hell, and the heaven just stuck with you. Heaven is in you now. This is where God resides (pointing within)! The whole idea is about now. If you don't know, then you are in ignorance. Nothing is bigger hell than darkness- Ignorance. And nothing is greater joy than that light, that beauty. Receive it.