Excerpts from Events

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - What is the Source of Your Inspiration? What is the Source of Your Inspiration? [03:44 min] In this clip, Prem Rawat known commonly as Maharaji questions what the source of inspiration is in this life, suggesting that existence itself should be the inspiration in a persons life. TPRF has setup free food for poor children in Oxnard
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Heaven, hell, and God Heaven, hell, and God [08:45 min] Look what people have done to God. And why? Because there are expectation. When they don't get according to their expectations "There is no God". What is expectations from God; Two eyes, two ears, white hair, light in the back (only in the back, not in the front), teeth, lips, hands, feet. So then people go "I'm looking for God." Are you looking for God, or you're looking for somebody you think should be God? God doesn't need eyes. What is God going to see with the eyes- who is omniscient and see everything doesn't need eyes like this in front, coz you can be doing things at the back! This is expectation.

Put aside your expectations. Know how to receive. When you are open, you go inside, you feel. Knowing the coming and going of this breath is the blessing. God is residing inside of you. What is your reason for living? Are you living for fulfilling other people's expectations? Now, how do you know about God. Its simple, somebody told you! And whoever the first person was, whatever spices he put on in description will stick with you for the rest of your life. How do you know about heaven, and the hell? Have you been there? You can say "I'm sure what I felt now, must be hell" I can understand that, but see somebody told you about hell, and the heaven just stuck with you. Heaven is in you now. This is where God resides (pointing within)! The whole idea is about now. If you don't know, then you are in ignorance. Nothing is bigger hell than darkness- Ignorance. And nothing is greater joy than that light, that beauty. Receive it.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Answers to 2 FAQs- as a Freebie! Answers to 2 FAQs- as a Freebie! [07:40 min]
  1. Where did I come from?
  2. Where am I going to go?
I'm going to give this as a freebie because this is not what I deal in, ok?
There is this (pointing to the body) and there's you (the infinite). You deal with this (the body) everyday. You take care of it whole day; you brush, you shave and do all the things, but you don't deal with infinite everyday. You're one more element than just this body- that 'Hans' that resides in you, that makes you 'you'. What is death? It is just the simple disconnect between the two.

If you recognize only as a body then the answer to the two questions are: You came from this dirt and you're going back to dirt. Not so glamorous, but true.

And if happen to be so lucky, to recognize the infinite in you then I've got good news for you. That's where you came from and that's where you gonna go!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Kabir- No-nonsense, no philosophical mumbo-jumbo, straightforward poet Kabir- No-nonsense, no philosophical mumbo-jumbo, straightforward poet [05:53 min] There are people are far more infatuated by only two questions
  1. Where did I come from?
  2. Where am I gonna go?
Then there is certain group of people who are much more attracted by the other two questions
  1. Why am I here?
  2. Who am I?
In your life you have to focus on which of these four questions, you really want answers to. Which ones? On the subject of first two, there's immense amount of speculations. And somehow the way the nature has it- you can't verify it. It's all hearsay. Whilst the other two question requires tremendous amount of consciousness and clarity and they deal with 'now'.

To put this in perspective I'm going to quote Kabir. My favorite no-nonsense, straightforward enlightened poet. No philosophical mumbo-jumbo. Kabir says:
Ram bulava bhejiya
diya Kabira roye
jo sukh saadhu sang mein
so baikunth na hoye
"God has sent me an invitation- the final call". And upon hearing this, knowing that he's going to die, Kabir starts to weep. For he says, the joy that I find in the company of this truth and in the company of the seekers of the truth. That joy is greater than the joy of heaven.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Potential Potential [03:14 min] You are alive and because you are alive, you have this possibility, Prem Rawat says. What is the possibility? he asks. Know. Know that all is meant to be well. You have the potential to know and you should know.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Inner Potential Inner Potential [04:29 min] Peace begins with each human being. Olive trees are not looking for peace. Why I say olive tree is because it is the sign for peace. If someone or something is bothering the olive trees, believe me, it's human beings. Left alone, it'll be just fine. We human beings need to see our inner potential. Not so that we can do better work. But so that we can be better at feeling the joy that resides within inside of us, that's why!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - That's what I do That's what I do [02:25 min] Reality is much more beautiful than fantasy. Because there is someone actually with whom you can live with 'Happily ever After'. And that is in your heart. No conflicts, no judgement.

This is the reality my friend. You're here and you are the ocean of peace, of kindness, of understanding, of happiness. Look within and you'll see what I'm talking about. And, if you do not know how to look within (opens his arms)- This I'm good at! That's what I do.

I'm not here to sell you anything. You search, wherever you find it; perfect. Be happy, enjoy it, be content. Flourish. But if you don't find it, look me up.

I've this way, I call it knowledge; To know. That can take your attention from outside, turn it inside and you can feel that ocean inside of you. That's it. That's what I do.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - A big and loaded statement, I think! A big and loaded statement, I think! [04:06 min] Whatever you're looking for... This is a big statement, it's loaded and it's big. It's very profound, I think! Whatever it is you're looking for, is inside of you. Why is it profound? How does the person who made this statement knew what you're looking for? It's a big assumption, right? It's infact a huge assumption saying that we're all looking for the same thing. Could it be? That we're all looking for the same thing? We call it different things, but we're looking for the same thing.

That peace, some people call it peace, God, Joy. You know what Kabir said about this? Kabir said that there's only one well and everybody comes to this well to fetch the water. The difference is of the vessels. But the water is the same in all the vessels. So somebody brings bucket, plain pot, hand-beaten pot, clay pot. Pots may be different but the water in the pot is the same because it comes from the same well.

We cannot thrive on our difference forever. Differences are good and they should be appreciated. But they should not be the basis of our functioning in this world. You look a little different that me- Good! Easy to recognize you and easy to recognize me! If we all look exactly alike it would be like, who am I looking for!

But don't forget that we all came from the place, landed on the same port, din't we? It's only one port- Port Earth. Could it be, we have the same mission? I think so. I think so. I think so.

And the mission is to be fulfilled.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - A singular focus A singular focus [02:25 min] Prem Rawat speaking in Washington, D.C., USA
The question becomes- Is the focus to have that joy to have that joy in this life. Is the focus to be content and fulfilled? Or is the focus in bewilderment.
What you do entertain as a thought every single day? Gratitude? Or I wonder what happens next! Bewilderment will not bring you gratification. Never has, never will. Knowing, feeling, experiencing- will!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Excerpt from event in Atlanta, Georgia Excerpt from event in Atlanta, Georgia [09:45 min] This is clipping from event held in Atlanta, Georgia, on August 8th, 2010.

If you're on a boat in survival situation in the middle of a hostile ocean, you don't wanna be on that boat with enemies, you wanna be with friends. And even if they're your enemies, start making friends. Do you understand what I'm saying? Because if you don't, guess who's life is going to be miserable. Not just their's, your's too. And that's what happens.

We don't understand what it means to be alive and therefore what is the significance of a human life. The causes are greater than the dignity and integrity of a human being. "You think like this therefore, Out you go!"
But this comes from the lack of understanding of who you are. It shows the lack. Because we truly doesn't understand the value of each moment that we have, whilst we are alive; till it is too late.

I want you to know, and I want you to understand that value. Not based on a belief system. This is what is incredibly cool of what I talk about. It's not a bunch of speculation. It's is not "Well, you should believe this. Close your eyes and believe this." No. Feel this! Feel peace in your life. Not just think about it. Have gratitude in your life, not because somebody told you have gratitude, but because you have gratification. If you have gratification, my friend, gratitude is automatic. You don't have to make any attempt. It will happen.

And what is gratification? Look it up. Look it up if you want to; Fulfillment!