Music / Expressions

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Jeremy Gilley in Conversation with Prem Rawat Jeremy Gilley in Conversation with Prem Rawat [23:52 min] In May 2013 Prem Rawat met with Jeremy Gilley to talk about peace, its importance, and understanding how it might be spread. This conversation is part of PeaceBeat's 48-hour webcast.

With a series of terrible armed conflicts during the 1990's, Jeremy Gilley, a British actor and filmmaker, wanted to know why peace was so distant. As a young man Jeremy was frustrated, angry and confused about the appalling suffering that was going on in the world. But he decided he wanted to do something about it. And so began a journey to try and create at least one fixed day where the world would be at peace.

Jeremy's strategy was to make a documentary about his efforts to establish a global day of peace, believing, quite reasonably, that he would fail. However, he felt that in failing, his film would place a spotlight on the issues of peace, and embarrass politicians and global leaders into action. Against his wildest expectations, the 21st September was unanimously adopted by all countries of the United Nations as Peace Day.

Jeremy has subsequently gone on to establish the NGO Peace One Day to campaign for global recognition and acceptance of the day.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Interview with Prem Rawat on Record TV Interview with Prem Rawat on Record TV [03:28 min] On 9th April 2013 Prem Rawat was interviewed by the No.2 TV channel in Brazil, Record TV, immediately before receiving the Citizenship of São Paulo. Concerned with building a culture of peace within Brazil, Record TV asked questions of Prem Rawat about his message of peace and how Brazil might benefit.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Words of Peace at UN Day of Peace 2008- Maui, Hawaii "Words of Peace" at UN Day of Peace 2008- Maui, Hawaii [05:09 min] This is the effort of some folks on Maui to let attendees at the UN Day of Peace Celebration know about the "Words of Peace" broadcasts and the message of Prem Rawat.
The United Nations’ International Day of Peace- marked every year on September 21- is a global holiday when individuals, communities, nations and governments highlight efforts to end conflict and promote peace.
Established by U.N. resolution in 1982, "Peace Day" has grown to include millions of people around the world who participate in all kinds of events, large and small.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Power To Transform- Soweto Power To Transform- Soweto [09:27 min] Prem Rawat received an enthusiastic welcome during his return visit to Johannesburg, South Africa, in November 2014, according to a report by The Prem Rawat Foundation. His whirlwind tour of Johannesburg, Soweto and Zonderwater prison, where he spoke about the possibilities for personal freedom and peace, prompted much singing and (in Soweto) impromptu dancing. Prison inmates — many of them serving long sentences — were hugging wardens as Prem left the facility.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - A Lifetime A Lifetime [03:42 min] You have this life, that is important, true, and real.
Given that you have this incredible opportunity, what would you do with it?
Would you squander it away, or would you embrace it?
One moment lost, is not coming back; such is the severity of the subject.
This life has to be lead consciously.
What does it mean to open your eyes?
Delight, embrace this life!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - You need to know You need to know [01:41 min] That what you're looking for, and what you have been searching for, is already inside of you.
The peace that I talk about, is that peace that is the answer to all your questions.
You need to know that beauty that resides in your heart. You need to know!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - None other than you None other than you [02:50 min] This is your existence. Sometimes we forget, what is under process. What is being created here? What is being made here? This construction site is no ordinary construction site. Done well, it will be better and more beautiful than Mona Lisa. Done well and chiseled well, it will be more grand than the statue of David. It’ll be more magnificent than the Sistine Chapel.

And who will be the judge of this? Who will be the admirer? Who will be the one that stands back and say, "Yup! This is good!" None other than, you!

Then prepare yourself to have those eyes of simplicity that can truly admire the magnificence that is possible. Then prepare those eyes of simplicity. That heart, and understanding of simplicity, so when you stand in front of that portrait that you have managed to paint, you will be able to admire it. Admiration and simplicity are the guardian angels of this beautiful experience called peace.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Farmer and the Buried Treasure Farmer and the Buried Treasure [23:33 min] The animated story of a farmer discovering a treasure buried in his field. The analogy is rounded out with humorous and timely anecdotes.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - There is a way There is a way [03:16 min] To me the topic of life is simple- What do you feel in your life. When you wake up in the morning, do you feel gratitude or do you feel a burden of responsibilities?
Look within you and find your thirst, your quest; what it is that you want?
There is a way to find that beauty, that peace inside of you. All it takes is to find your thirst- No more and no less.
What you're looking for is inside of you!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Heaven Here Heaven Here [02:28 min] In your life what do you know? Do you know the simplicity inside of you? Do you know the divine that is inside of you?
Do you feel the peace that is inside of you? Have you felt the riches that is inside of you? Wisdom inside of you?
I wanna go to heaven too, but I don't wanna die for going there. So there is only one alternative; to find the heaven here. And is it here? Of course!
So this is not just words. There is a possibility that you can also feel what I talk about, in your life.