Music / Expressions

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Go Within A musical slideshow with words of Prem Rawat "Go Within" A musical slideshow with words of Prem Rawat [05:24 min] A nice musical composition with slideshow. Excerpt of one of the addresses of Maharaji is presented with music and photos.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - A Peace Yet Undefined- music video A Peace Yet Undefined- music video [03:12 min] A collaborative effort from Ray Allan for the Music, Olivier Vazeilles for Video, and Based upon the words of Prem Rawat.
one thing that always comes down to, again and again
is about us, who we are, having this time on the face of this earth, being alive.
what does it really mean? there are so many ideas,there are so many arguments, so many books have been written on this subject.
So many philosophies exist. It is not about those. its about what we know- what we know! not we have heard.
What do you know about your life? about your existence?
People look. i see people and i see them looking- looking!
people are sitting on roadside cafes and they are looking.
They go for a walk and they are looking. And I wonder what they are looking for- searching, not knowingly- unknowingly!
A nature of a human being trying to find always- always.
Trying to find a comfort, trying to find a joy. Not even knowing that thats what they are looking for.
Perhaps much deeper searching for a peace- a tranquility.
A peace yet undefined
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Life Affirmation Life Affirmation [00:59 min] When I am freed, and I have come home- come home to this moment called now. And I feel my heart dancing with gratitude. And perhaps the tears come, but they are not tears of sorrow, they are tears of joy. And every fiber in my being rejoices to be alive. And I have no quest for tomorrow or even the moment yet to come. And I understand everything in this moment called now- because it is a moment which I could live in forever.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Interview with Fernando Mauro Trezza Interview with Fernando Mauro Trezza [26:08 min] In Brazil, the TV show Words of Peace has been airing for over ten years. To celebrate this milestone, Fernando Mauro Trezza, President of the Brazilian Association of Community Channels, sat down with Prem Rawat to ask him about his work, his message and why peace matters.
Fernando Mauro Trezza: “For many people today, peace seems to be a boring subject. Can this perspective be changed?”
Prem Rawat: “Of course, because they're coming from a concept of what peace is. They're not coming from the need. They have to feel the need.”
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - What drives you? What drives you? [04:21 min]
Passion for peace - It's about what do you feel?
Do you feel your heart?
Do you feel the passion to want peace in your life?
Do you feel the passion for Joy in your life?
Do you feel the passion for Contentment in your life?
Do you feel the passion for Understanding in your life?
Do you feel the passion for Clarity in your life?

What do you want? What drives you?
Is it logic? Or is it the passion?
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - TVET Talkshow, Dili Timor-Leste TVET Talkshow, Dili Timor-Leste [47:13 min] A video interview of Prem Rawat during his trip to Dili, Timor. He went on invitation from the First Lady, Dra. Isabel da Costa Ferreira.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - You always have a choice You always have a choice [04:17 min] If you want that change, you have to make that choice.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Once Soft guitar with no words "Once" Soft guitar with no words [05:20 min] Soft music with serene pictures in the slideshow. Doesn’t have any words, but a silent & deep message. Quotes by Prem Rawat, Photography by Jonathan Carter
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Perfect Perfect [05:32 min] What do you think is the ultimate experience?
Without being a rocket scientist, I would've to say that the experience of the ultimate would be the ultimate experience. Then, what is the ultimate?
The ultimate would be that power that makes everything possible, Powers it, moves it, in the whole universe! I'm not going to try to convince you that there is a power that makes this possible. Because anytime you have a question about this power; look up, look down, look left, look right! And courtesy of something, all of this is made possible. Why the wind blows? Why the earth rotates? How the earth came to be? Where will the earth end up? It's fascinating. That, that ultimate that is everywhere, right now, is also within you. Forget about the fascination about the universe, you'll never understand it. But the fascinating thing for us is not understanding the universe but that which also powers the universe happens to be within us right now. And this, we can experience!
Why should we experience this? Ah, this is when it gets really beautiful! Because when you experience it, you get filled with peace. When you do, you're filled with clarity, with joy.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The Lion and the Sheep The Lion and the Sheep [23:47 min] One day a farmer was walking back from the forest. He came across a little lion cub. So, he brought the lion cub back home, gave it milk, water, some food. Didn't know what to do with it, put it with all the sheep that he had. Well, every day this kept happening, where he would give him the food, play with him a little bit and then when the time came, he would put it with the sheep.
Time came, cub grew a little big bigger. Started going out in the fields, playing with the sheep, playing with the lamb.
One day, a real big lion came out of the jungle. And when the sheep heard the roar, they all scrambled hiding wherever they could, because they were afraid. The lion that had grown up with the sheep also did the same. The big lion stepped out of the forest seeing this lion trying to hide. Came over to him and said, Why are you hiding? He said, "You will eat me." The big lion said, "I am not going to eat you. Do you know who you are? Do you know that you are not a sheep, you are a lion." "Whatever, whatever you say is fine with me, but please don't eat me."
Having seen, that this lion was not going to be convinced, the big lion took the little lion to a lake. And said, "Look at yourself, look at this reflection and see what you see." And when the little lion looked at his reflection he said, "I am like you. Not like them."
The big lion said, "Right, you are a lion."
So, the little lion said, "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you so much."
And the lion said, "Why are you thanking me? I didn't do anything. All I did, is showing you who you already were. I didn't create something new here. I didn't take a sheep and turned it into a lion. I took a lion and showed the lion, that you are a lion, not a sheep."
We are like the little lion, who thought that he is a sheep, until someone showed him that he is a lion. The peace, the divinity which we seek is already within us. It does not need to be created. The knowledge that Maharaji offers, is just like a mirror, in which one can see his own reflection. The peace that Maharaji talks about does not need to be created. Each one of us are carrying that peace in our hearts. Peace just needs to be discovered.