Music / Expressions

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - PTC News: Khaas Mulaqat PTC News: Khaas Mulaqat [48:26 min] A news interview with Punjabi interviewer over the popular PTC news channel.
It's a pleasure to be here. To about something so simple, yet so profound. I will talk about what I always talk about. What I try to do, is to remind people of something they already know. It is amazing, how in our lives. We take all that is good, and we save it for the last. Who even came up for this idea! Maybe it started from the concept of dessert. That is understandable. But life is not like that. Life is a beautiful journey that takes place every single day. It is dancing and calling you.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Conversations with journalist Burt Wolf Conversations with journalist Burt Wolf [07:52 min] TPRF Founder Prem Rawat talks to journalist Burt Wolf about the origins of the Food for People program and how it is improving health, reducing crime, and increasing scholastic achievement in India, Nepal, and Ghana. Prem also interviews Indian children who are benefiting from the program.

Burt Wolf, an accomplished television journalist, conducts a rare, one-on-one interview with Prem Rawat. Together, during a fascinating half hour conversation, they explore answers to questions that people have been pondering for centuries: Is there more to life than we think? Where can true happiness be found? Is peace possible? What is it like to live a life fulfilled?
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Rubaru with Prem on Anjan Rubaru with Prem on Anjan [28:32 min] An interview with Prem on Anajan channel by the two hosts of the show Rubaru
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Music Video with words of Prem Rawat Desire for Fulfilment Music Video with words of Prem Rawat "Desire for Fulfilment" [07:40 min]
The possibility of being fulfilled.
That's our endeavor. That's why we are here.
To grab that moment and say let me extract out of it,
let me squeeze out of it; all that I can.
That's why we are here.

The quest, the desire inside every human being wanting to be fulfilled.
The desire to be in peace. You can feel that fulfillment.
You don't have to imagine it, you don't have to think it; you can feel it.
It's a process of acknowledging each breath! It's a process of fulfilling life.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Searching for the innate Searching for the innate [05:55 min] Prem Rawat was invited to speak at the Theatre Verdi of Padova, Italy, under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, the Ministry of Justice, the Veneto Region and the Province of Padova.

Thank you for that warm welcome. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. It's an honor to be here in Padova. Peace is something you feel it in your life, or you don't feel it in your life. If you get it, enjoy it. Else find how to get to that peace. And that's the only area where there is something to say. How can you get to it? The first step is to understand peace. Is it an idea?
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Journey Within- A conversation with journalist, Marta Robles Journey Within- A conversation with journalist, Marta Robles [09:45 min] A conversation between Prem Rawat and journalist Marta Robles. Ms. Robles has been one of the most popular anchors and show hosts on Spanish radio and television for more than 15 years. Prem Rawat has traveled the world for more than four decades, inspiring people to find peace within.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Humanity Humanity [05:58 min] Renowned peace teacher and speaker Prem Rawat joined us from our Sea Point studio in Cape Town where he spoke about humanity's natural state of peace. He was in South Africa speaking at two events, one in the mother city and the other in Johannesburg. Against all odds, we're doing an event in Las Vegas. Yesterday I was this book which most people have read. It is the most read book. I'm not talking about the Bible. And it is read across the most continents. It is the first book that you actually finished reading. You know what that book is? It is the book of alphabets! And it is one book you won't find in people's library. We've all read this book, but we forget about it. What does this book signify? It was indoctrination on how it should be on step into this world. There are people who say "The whole world is bad". Other say otherwise. To me, it is like a kitchen knife. It has the capacity to feed you, and also to hurt you.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - PEP: Peace education and rehabilitation PEP: Peace education and rehabilitation [14:00 min] The blue collar town of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania has been devastated by opioid addiction. Clients and counselors at the James A. Casey House there say the Peace Education Program is giving them the inner strength and hope they need to recover and stay clean.
We've relationships in our lives, with our wife, children, with relatives. And there is something very important to understand about relationship- You cannot just keep on taking and taking and taking, and not giving. Otherwise that relationship will collapse. Because the relationship is really about taking, and giving.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Aaj Savere: Doordarshan National interview Aaj Savere: Doordarshan National interview [48:55 min] Prem Rawat talks about a way to look within, where people can be introduced to themselves. "If you ever want to see a wonder", he says, "I suggest you take a look at yourself. Not the concepts, not the ideas, not the goods, not the bads. But a timeless purity of existence. A witness to the beauty that is."
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation interviews Prem Rawat Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation interviews Prem Rawat [26:44 min] Life without peace is incomplete: Peace Speaker Prem Rawat Interview.
Prem Rawat talks about the journey that is each person’s lifetime. Ideas may change, he says, but the breath keeps coming and bringing life. And while people pray for a sign, their prayers have already been answered, he says: “Another day… and this little vessel has been put on this river to make this journey.”