,Prem Rawat,quote
,Prem Rawat,quote

We’re human beings. We’re not monkeys; we’re not all these other things
that we think we are—no, we are human beings. We are homo sapien sapiens.
What makes us “sapien” is wisdom. Not the other parts; not the two hands and
the two eyes and the nose and the mouth—because that was for other species too.
But what makes us us is homo sapien sapiens. And it’s all about wisdom.
And I ask the world today, “Look at the condition of the world. Are we exercising wisdom?
Is this—the, the wars that are happening today, people who are poor,
people who are not being taken care of—is this the sign of a wise homo erectus?”
And the answer is, no. So we’re not using our wisdom.
We’re not using that innate wisdom anymore.
We’re using pre-canned ideas of how this world should be, “How do we fix the problems.”
We have narrowed in on the problems, but not narrowed in ourselves. And that’s again,
coming back to “Know yourself.” You are the wise one. Use your wisdom.
-Prem Rawat