,Prem Rawat,quote
,Prem Rawat,quote

I’m not here to tell you about the bad; I’m here to tell you about the good—always, to tell you that there is that possibility in your life that you can be fulfilled. There is the possibility in your life that you can go forward.

Always, always, so far this breath is in you, keep moving forward. How incredible is that? How amazing is that, that even in this time of where you would lose all hope....

And a lot of people, I’m sure, are sitting there going, “Oh my God, you know, this is the biggest fiasco that ever hit.” Maybe it is the biggest fiasco. That just means, that much more, you have to push.
And talking about pushing, you know—you realize what you went through when you were born? Do you have any idea what you went through when you were born?

And somebody told me, it’s like a rocket taking off, a huge rocket taking off; that much energy has to be put forth—you, the baby puts forth to get out of the mother’s womb.

The transition that you have to make—literally, what maybe took millions of years, to go from totally being submerged in water to oxygen, has to happen in a matter of a few hours.
And the stakes are incredibly high. The stakes are incredibly high. And everything is against you. In a way, everything is against you; you are fragile; you’re weak; you have never been in this world before.

And talk about unknown; you’re stepping—are you stepping into a total unknown? Absolutely. You have no idea. Your brain isn’t working yet, not the way it should be, where you can make decisions and so on and so forth. It’s just a feeling and you go for it.

And it takes this incredible amount of energy. And you come out. And from having all that water and surviving on the mother, from the mother, from that, through that umbilical cord, you have to now do everything yourself. You have to now breathe for yourself.

So, the reason why I’m telling you this? You are no stranger to challenges. You are no stranger to challenges. And take on this challenge—and even in the midst of this incredible darkness, find your light. Find your joy; find your hope, find your understanding; find your clarity; find your heart.

And exist—and be! And not only be, but thrive! Feel good! Be. And be thankful. Three things—“Know yourself, live your life consciously—and have a heart full of gratitude.” Don’t forget those. Don’t forget those. That’s very, very important.
-Prem Rawat