,Prem Rawat,quote
,Prem Rawat,quote

You judge yourself by the eyes of others.
Well, you should first judge yourself by your own eyes.
You should see yourself with your own eyes.
But it is easier to look at yourself from other people’s eyes:
“I wonder what they’re going to think?” And that’s such a powerful thing.
That’s such a powerful thing.
And it’s not about other people. Your life is yours.
You’re the one who came in; you’re the one who made that effort,
that monumental effort to make that transition
from mother’s womb to this earth.
You made that effort.
And then the day that you go,
you are the one who’s going to transition beyond that wall.
And that’s why this is called “your life—your life, your existence.”
-Prem Rawat