,Prem Rawat,quote
,Prem Rawat,quote

This one guy, a long time ago, came to me and he says, “Oh, I’ve got a problem.”
And I said, just said, “But yes, what’s your problem?” And he said, you know, “I lost my business.”
I said, “Umm, tell me something. You were born with this business?”
And he goes, “No, no, no, I built it up.”
And I said, “I bet you learnt a lot, building it up, huh?”
He goes, “Oh, yeah, I learnt a lot; I made a lot of mistakes.”
So I said, “Good. You learnt a lot—now do it again. Do it again—build your
business up—and make sure you don’t make the same mistakes; you will do it quicker.”
So, he looked at me like, you know, “Okay.” And I said, “But there’s something else.
You think you are here for this business?
That your happiness is associated with this business? It’s not.
“Your happiness has something to do with you, with your resources that are within you.
And if you can find them—and you can find the joy that resides in you,
then you can run your business—and you will not be looking for that
one thing that your business can never give you.
You will not be looking at this world for what this world can never give you.”
-Prem Rawat