road, green field,Prem Rawat,quote
road, green field,Prem Rawat,quote

Nobody can tell you, you are now fulfilled.
People try to figure out how I can be fulfilled.
People say, read this book and you will be fulfilled.
Follow this path and you will be fulfilled, go to this holy place and you will be fulfilled.
Go to the Himalaya and you will be fulfilled, renounce everything and you will be fulfilled.
That’s one part. The other - more money you have, the more fulfilled you will be.
If you have a good job, then more fulfilled you will be.
The trouble is - those two camps, the trains of thought - neither has been able to actually prove their point.
But what about you?
The good news is that yes, yes, yes, yes and yes this is not a speculation, this is possible.
It is very, very, very, very possible.
My objective is to be in peace and I love when I can bring others to that peace as well.
I know where the water is, and I bring the thirsty to the water.
-Prem Rawat