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Question: “Whenever I do any work with full concentration,
I do it once, twice, but after that,
I lose my concentration and continuity. I easily forget to do right work,
but not the wrong ones.”

Prem: You know, I don’t know what exactly your situation is.
But wandering off, losing focus, losing concentration,
that happens to a lot of people, so first of all, you’re not alone.
But secondly, most importantly, a little discipline goes a long way into keeping you focused.
Because, you know, we become so easily adapted to, “Am I enjoying this or not?”
Sometimes the enjoyment comes a little bit later—and you have to have patience for that.
You know, not everything is instantly rewarding all the time.
And in life, that’s a lesson you have to learn.
So, a little bit of discipline, a little bit of patience, a little bit of those powers that you
have—will go a long way in helping you out in your situation.