The Core Is You

To understand in this life, to understand your existence. There is a big difference between shadow and you. Even though the shadow is cast by you, you are not your shadow. When the sun goes down, the shadow will not be there, but you will be. And this is the distinction. These things exists because I exist but these are not my existence. All these things I rely upon exist because of me but I do not exist because of them. The Core is You. You exist. And because you exist there are certain things that also exist, and how unfortunate it is that we start associate ourselves with those things and pretty soon we say, "Well, they are me. I am them." They are there, but you are not. Your life, your understanding, your steps, your journey, your elation and your filling of heart is the process of contentment.

The wind and the sun
03:59 min

Life Affirmation
00:59 min