Truest Companion

When you have found your true companion
who dispels your doubts and fears
Who’ll bring peace to this restless heart
Who’ll be with you through the passing years

When you have found your truest friend
Who never judges what you say
Who sees your strength and inner beauty
Who would stay with you, till the end of your days.
When you have found The love of your life
In every breath you take each day
A love that will be with you for always
Each moment, every step of the way

When you have found the deepest love
A love that gives you hope to give peace a chance.
Who shows you the light of love in your heart
Where forever you will sing and dance
Where forever you will sing and dance!

Photos and song composed by Julia Howe.

For you
04:38 min

Prem Rawat Shares Perspective on Peace at Taylor's University
11:20 min