How people portray God- Amusing

Be in that joy, in that understanding, of what you have been given. The greatest of the gifts is coming and going of this breath that you receive. And this is the blessing. You want to be blessed? You are blessed. People say that to me "O Maharaji, I want to be blessed" and I say to them do you have any idea how many time you have already been blessed? Do you really want to know if there is a God.

When I say God, I don't mean to say a God with a face, and two eyes and a Temperament. I mean the way people present or portray God - Touchy, Touchy, Touchy! You put this glass over here - that's it you're gone - Pitch fork and barbequed. You are toasted!

I don't know if you have ever watched Clint Eastwood movies- With cigarette in the mouth that twinkle in the eye, and hand on the Gun - Make my day! The way people portray God, is almost working for the devil. No, not the face, not make-my-day type of God. I'm talking of God who is truly Omnipotent, is Omniscient, and is Omnipresent. Doesn't need a face, doesn't need twinkle in the eye, doesn't need bad temperament. But passion and compassion, and in this Universe and the universes beyond, holding them all together. From dust creates the Sun, the moon, the earth. And for all of it to go on. from nothing to create everything. From nothing to create this earth. To create ceiling without the pillars. And you to have the ability to witness this, not just see. To see is one thing, but be able to admire.

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