A message of Peace

There are 7 billion people on the face of this earth. What do these 7 billion people want? What do they wish every day so that there is peace in their lives. This video shares perspective of people from different walks of life, and also that of Prem Rawat on various topics. For as long as human beings have been on the face of this earth, they've been searching for peace. But what does peace mean; is it just absence of war? Is it retiring to an island and never having to worry about money? What does it mean to have it?

Why peace? Whose idea is it. Is it something that we learn? Why is this world interested in peace? Regardless of all the differences, the want of every single person on the face of this earth is the same.

Where is peace?
01:30 min

Do you enjoy just being alive? Chennai, 2014
06:51 min