Do you enjoy just being alive? Chennai, 2014

We have learnt so much, but the question remains- How to be in peace. We have learned how to make buildings, car, airplanes, and even wars. Peace is already in the heart of every single human being. Being so close, people still search for it. People are very proud that they're searching. Why are you searching for peace when it is inside of you? Search not for peace, but for the way to be able to get in touch with it. What should you search for, to see your face- Another face? You should be searching for a mirror.
In your life, where is your focus? You should be enjoying being alive! Do you enjoy being alive? I know you enjoy going to party, listening to music and a lot of other things. But do you enjoy just being alive? If you don't, you're focusing on the wrong thing.

All is Well
08:21 min

06:46 min