Prem Rawat addresses at Harvard University, in Sanders Theatre

There is a peace, that has something to do with every individual. A peace that resides in the heart of every human being on the face of this earth. A peace that is not somebody's vision. A peace that resides in a person, even in their darkest hour. That peace resides within that person, even when that person is surrounded by an Ocean- An ocean of confusion and doubt! A peace that is presence of something beautiful, not absence of anything.
The good news is that the thirst is within you, and the water which will quench that thirst is within you.
The good news is that which you are looking for, is within you. And the means to get in touch with that thing, is within you. There is a reality that is very sweet, not buried under doubts and questions. But in-fact, dancing within every human being. Because you exist, because you are alive.

Prem Rawat in Knoxville- Life is calling
69:09 min

Prem Rawat at Oxford University
29:00 min