A brief intro

In Ancient Greek times Agrigento or Akragas as it was known was an important walled city. It was home to the philosopher Empedocles. At the southern edge of the Greek city, temples were built and still can be seen.

The ceremony began with a beautiful local dance of the Festival of Almond Flowers, and then an opening address, before the Mayor Marco Zambuto, introduced Maharaji to light the Torch of hope, peace and International friendship.

Maharaji walked into the Teatro escorted by the mayor, once again flanked by admirers. The hall was filled with mostly local Italians and then the couple hundred of International guests who were fortunate to attend this function. The podium was first attended by the Master of Ceremony who spoke elegantly about how Argrigento is heralding a culture of peace by embracing this important relationship with Prem Rawat. Prem Rawat substantiates the feeling, for peace flourishes in his presence.

Peace and War
01:37 min

Do you enjoy just being alive? Chennai, 2014
06:51 min