Recognize your breath

Because till today. the breath was strange to you
Befriend your breath
because where so ever you go, it will come
whichever door you close
it will continue coming
and the day it stops coming
that day, you too will become a stranger to yourself
What do you understand about friendship?
If there is a friendship in this world then it is
because this breath resonates in you
If there are awards on your wall
then it is because this breath resonates in you
Today if you are called an erudite person
then it is because this breath resonates in you
and if your business is gargantuan then it is
because this breath resonates in you
and the day it ceases to come
there will neither be any awards
nor will anyone come to congratulate you
But what so ever is happening
in this world
it is because, this breath comes and goes
Recognize this breath!

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