Water & Food Award- Westminster, London

On June 18, 2014, Prem Rawat was the keynote speaker at Central Hall, Westminster, London, for an event sponsored by the Water and Food Foundation (WAF). WAF promotes global best practices in water and food security initiatives.

Describing a broad vision, Prem Rawat told the audience, "All our efforts, whether they are sustainability, to feed the hungry, to bring clean water-in our own little way, we want to create a little heaven right here on earth. And who will ever blame us for thinking so wildly? Because it is a wild vision to want to create a little heaven for us and our fellow beings; and to leave a legacy of that heaven for the generations yet to come, so they keep on living the dream of creating the little heaven in their time, for their time ahead."

Prem finished by applauding everyone present for their efforts and was, in turn, given a standing ovation by the audience.

According to one attendee, John Carpenter, a long-time supporter of TPRF's Food for People program, "The warm feeling of unanimity created by the keynote address was best expressed by a member of the Zimbabwe team who won the 2014 WAF award. He told me, with great humility, that for him the real prize was to have been able to share the day with like-minded people and that he felt he was accepting the WAF award on behalf of everyone."

"Go Within" A musical slideshow with words of Prem Rawat
05:24 min

01:07 min