What are you busy with?

We are busy, and we allow ourselves to be busy, and we accept that we are busy. But we never ask ourselves what are we busy with. Where's it going? There are careers, and people work. And don't misunderstand, I'm not saying good or bad. I'm just presenting how it is. You are busy with your career, you are busy with your life. You are busy in trying to make some dream come true. But where is this headed? What's going to be its outcome. How will it all end? And it's doesn't matter whether you are a king, or a pauper, or a beggar. Whether you are the most important person, or the least important person on the face of this earth.

Ultimately, there is something waiting for you. You go through the same rules, as everyone. There are no exceptions. One day you weren't, today you are, and one day you won't be. We judge our life by what is placed on the plate. And don't we do that. And so we say I'm happy because of this. But I ask does it make any difference? Because at the end of the day everybody has to share the same exact fate. And no exceptions. You cannot buy another day because you are wealthy. When it is your time, then it is your time, and you have to go. So the point really becomes, not the death, nor the birth. You understand? But what happens between the two moments!

What is the Source of Your Inspiration?
03:44 min

Prem Rawat in Europe
04:53 min