Promise of Life

I'm not here to tell you what is right what is wrong. I'm not here to try to point out the problems of the world, because there are too many, it will take more than an evening. But you know, despite of all those things that are wrong in this world, there are somethings that are good. Really really good- all the ugliness that is in this world, there is something very very beautiful. All the mistakes that have been made in this world, there is one that is perfect- It's not a mistake. That perfection, that beauty, that right, is in you. And that is what I've come to talk about.

There are people who like to point out all the problems. And I'm glad in a way, that they do. But I think there should be some people who point out what is beautiful. Because this life that you have, despite of all the problems, is beautiful. And sometimes we forget the importance of being alive. Caught up in our troubles, turmoils, ideas, and concepts; we forget what we have been given. Look at the desert, the time to see the desert is not in summer, but when it rains. Because mysteriously even the desert holds in it, the promise of beautiful life; of delicate tender flowers. But it needs the rain. Without rain the rivers don't flow. Even though they hold their shape. That dry river waits, and patiently waits for it to rain. And once again, the water to flow through it. It is ready. It is ready. Who are we? What are we? Are we the sum of all these things that happen around us? Or is there something more? The sum of waking up in morning and realizing one's responsibilities? Or there is something inside each human being that wants to smile. That wants to be thankful, and feel gratitude- To feel the joy!

Play It With Passion
07:48 min

Life is a Voyage
03:40 min