The Ability to Be Happy

I ask you, "Does your ability to feel contentment actually ever vary?" The answer to it is "No". The ability to feel that joy in your life doesn't vary. So let's stop for a second. Hmmm, the ability does not vary, but the joy that I feel does vary. I would be a hypocrite to say to you "Yes, 24x7 365 days a year, I'm in complete bliss" I'm not going to tell you this, because that's not true. Things happen. So what does that mean? It means that I can actually make an effort and feel that joy- far more than I ever imagined. Just simple, I want to feel a gratitude when I wake up, that I'm alive. That is blessing- this breath is coming in and out of me. I can find my joy within me.

Leicester event with Prem Rawat in 2008
04:53 min

A Bridge to Peace- Kensington Palace, United Kingdom
24:29 min