Shanti kise chahiye?

Maharaji's event at Sirifort auditorium in Delhi
In this life, there are a lot of things. There is a possibility that we may not get this opportunity again. We've to listen about this life, and let's take something from this talk so that it can add some value to our life. This is not about the world- this is about each one of us. Trees, mountains, rivers don't need peace. We the people need peace.

When you're in problems and surrounded by sadness, at that time too, the peace is within you! What does heart says to you? It says 'Give me freedom'. And what do people say? 'Oh, you're already free. We're not in jail. What kinda freedom are you talking about?' Heart says, 'Living behind the bars; you're neither free not slave. And if you have misconception that you're free, then listen! Even if you think you're free, you're not! Because the bars in your life are stronger than the iron bars that you've seen. And these bars are of ignorance, doubt, sadness'.

Hriday ki kitaab
21:58 min

Is Parmanand just a word or an experience?
41:30 min