Prem Rawat speaks about September 11

Are we vulnerable to things?
When I think about it, America was just as vulnerable, before September 11th as it was on September 11. But did you know? No. Did you care? Absolutely not. Were you concerned? Not at all. Then it happens. Terrible. You see it happening in front of your eyes on television and it's too much. And then all of a sudden, everybody gets very friendly. People are not cutting each other off on the highway any more, they are actually letting you come in. That was cute. Because that is so much the nature of unconsciousness. And let me explain, because the people who are conscious, do it everyday.
People go along in their lives, merrily pretending. "Oh, I will live forever.". And then something happens, and everyone is like, "Oh, my God, I really got to live my life consciously." I hear this, and whenever somebody comes and says this to me, I never make fun of them, I never joke with them. I say "Good." But then I see, and what do I see? I see consciousness fade away, and unconsciousness walks in and everything else is back to normal. We are not talking about ,"It would be great some day if you could be conscious." We are talking about, you starting, you starting now, and starting to become conscious. And not conscious about your neighbour, and not conscious about your pet, and not conscious about this and that, but conscious about being alive. Neighbour and pet and everything else will fall in place, if it needs to.
Consciousness is like that light in darkness, wherever it is, it has it's radius, it has it's circle, it has it's influence. And darkness will not come there. It will stay away just that far, and take it wherever you can. And the darkness dare not impede in it's path, thats what consciousness is, thats what reality is, thats what realization is. And even if you can do it once in your life. Atleast the candle is lit.

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