Maharaji in Mumbai- 25th Nov, 2009

You can never compare the peace and happiness which resides in your heart with the one you get from the world. There is no comparison between the two. One is permanent, the other is temporary. If you love the divine one who dwells in your heart then, he would keep on bestowing his love and kindness on you. That giver, the supreme being that resides in your heart gives the gift of breath to those who have faith on him and even the ones who do not have faith on him. He is the true giver.
Today people have drawn so many lines of discrimination. I am a Hindu, I am a Sikh. No one is a human being. Begin to respect yourself as a human being first.

Kabira kuwan ek hai, paani bhare anek.
Bhaande ka hi bhed hai, paani sab mein ek.

There is only one place, there is only one well, where people come to fill water. This body is a vessel. The only difference is in the vessel. The same water fills all the vessels. God is one. Open the eyes of your heart, then you would realize the value of this knowledge and this breath. Then there would be peace in your life.

I can make you recognize
02:42 min