Event at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh- 17th Nov 2009

Kanpur is the ninth most populous city in India and the largest within the state of Uttar Pradesh. It is the second largest city of the entire Hindi speaking belt only after Delhi. It was formerly known as the "Manchester of the East", and the economic capital of Uttar Pradesh. Kanpur is located on the banks of the river Ganga. On 17th November 2009, at an event held in Kanpur, Maharaji said,
Since I was young, I have been telling people how fortunate they are, because they have been given this gift of existence. And I am doing the same now. You may belong to any religion. You can still practice this knowledge, it does not matter whether you belong to this religion or that. If you want to go to heaven, experience the heaven in this life. If at all there is salvation, it is in this life that you can attain it. If you have still not discovered yourself, if you are still ignorant, then it is the biggest inauspicious thing that can happen to you. I can save you from this inauspiciousness. I can give you that knowledge, if you come to me with that sincerity. Whatever I give, I will give it as a gift from a human being to the other. Come from that sincere place within you.

Narkher, Maharashtra- 21st Nov 2009
59:45 min

Nova Southeastern University: Peace is Possible Conference
39:05 min