Maharaji at Nagaur, Rajasthan- 11th Nov 2009

This event was held at Nagaur in Rajasthan on 11th November 2009. Nagaur is the land where Meera Bai was born. Maharaji said,

Hit-anhit pashu pakhsiye jaana,
Manush tan gun-gyaan nidhaana.
Whatever you do in your life, all is covered in this "Hit-anhit". But even animals and birds know what is good for them and what is bad. What do you think of when you get up in the morning? You think of your daily chores, you think about your work. People who do not go out for work think that they have to make their kitchen. Do you know even a crow gets up in the morning, at times even before you. And what does he do after getting up, he thinks how will he get the days food. So, we think we are a human being but we do the same what birds and animals do. So, where is the difference? The difference is that, being a human being, you can attain self-knowledge. There are so many forms of knowledge in this world. The knowledge of art of cooking, knowledge of the art of studying and so on. But amongst all, it has been said that "self-knowledge" is the most supreme of all knowledge. Kabir Das ji has said,
Vidhi-hari-har jaako dhyaan karat hain, Muni jan sahas atthasi,
Soi hans tere ghat maahi, Alakh purush avinashi.
That supreme being is within you. The one who created the entire universe, made his home in your heart.

Event at Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh- 17th Nov 2009
55:17 min

Berkeley University- California
02:23 min