Gwalior, India

Whatever you consider as happiness or sorrow in this world, all the great saints and sages have said not to indulge into them. If you want to get into something, get into the peace within you. Get inside and feel the beauty in your heart. That is truth. Today you are alive and you think that you have conquered time. No, thats not correct. Time is ruling you. You are not ruling time. So, what should you do? Fulfill your heart. Do not forget to listen to the call of your heart. If you want to feel heaven on this earth, in this life, then go within and feel the peace which resides in you.

This address was directed at an audience of people who have learned the techniques of Knowledge. For more information, visit The Keys page.

Maharaji at Nagaur, Rajasthan- 11th Nov 2009
63:48 min

Preserving the unpreservable
02:53 min