Hamara Asli Swaroop

Getting entangled in the problems of this world, we forget our true nature. I don't see people saying "I already have a lot!" Even the richest people are trying to earn more and more. Everyone is in same situation. When people face problems, then he ponders on what is he doing in this world.

Society puts a stamp on us. They classify you based on education, color, creed, gender, wealth. And we go,"yes, we are sad because we're poor. We have all these problems". You tell me, does your breath care if you're educated or not? Whether you're man or a woman? Whether you're tall or short? The creator's blessing is coming to everyone. That's what is written in Ramayana:

Nartan Bhav vaaridh kahoon bero
Sanmukh maroot anugrah mero
Karun dhaar satguru dridh naava
durlaab kaaj saral kari paava
(This body that you've got, is the the vessel to cross the ocean of this world. And the breath that you get, is my blessing)
Do you ever notice your breath, and feel that it is creator's blessing. And this is true miracle.

Do Diwaro Ke Beech Tum
22:36 min

An Ocean In The Drop
47:19 min