Are you rich?

What does it mean to be rich? Now, rich isn’t just rich in money. You can be rich in many things. So, what is the definition of being rich? Two elements are involved in being rich. One- You have to have something precious. What does precious mean? Something that is not ordinary, but something precious. And secondly, you have to have abundance of it.
Gold is precious. But having a gold the size of a hairpin, isn’t going to make you rich. Two elements. You have to have something precious and lots of it. And the more you have of it, the richer you are. And both things, the preciousness and abundance play off each other to make you rich. If you have a lot of nothing, you are not rich! Two things have to be, two elements have to be.
So, now the question becomes, are you rich? What is incredibly precious? And not only precious, but what do you have that is precious and you have abundance of it. There is something, and its not dollars, and its not diamonds. It is another kind of wealth and one thing that is incredibly precious is this breath that comes in and out of you. And not only is it precious, here’s the beauty, it comes in abundance, not just one. Coz that wouldn’t make you rich. The two things, the two tests that it has to pass, precious and abundant. There is one thing that qualifies. Every human being that is sitting in this hall, outside of this hall, in this world, everyone, has this. And it just so happens to be the source of immense joy.
When you have found, not only the abundance, but the richness of that existence, of that breath, of that gift that is coming in and out of you. And somebody to point that out. The obviousness that you are alive, not what you can do. The fact that you are alive. There in lies, the foundation of peace for you, there in lies your treasure, there in lies your clarity, there in lies your understanding, there in lies, your peace.
Peace is not a piece of something. You cannot buy peace. Like I say, Peace is the perfume of god. And when you find that god, which god? Not the one that lives over there, but the one in you. Then you smell the perfume and when you smell the perfume, you feel the peace, the tranquility, the reality, the beauty, the simplicity, of life. Not the complicated, not the duties, but the richness, the abundance, the preciousness.

A Reminder
00:56 min

Because You Are Alive
06:12 min