Two Frogs

This is an interesting story of two frogs. There was a little frog, "Wellie" who had always lived in a well. Whether he had good days or bad, Wellie always felt very proud of his well. One day he encountered another frog "Laky" passing by..

Wellie: Hello, I live in this well! Jump in, the water will refresh you.

Splash! Laky jumps in.

Wellie: So, where are you from?

Laky: Well, I live in the big lake!

Wellie: Is the lake as big as my well?

Laky: No, It's a little bigger!

But, Wellie did not believe. He swam and made a little circle on the water.

Wellie: Is your lake this big?

Laky: No, its even bigger than that!

This time Wellie swims across the circumference of the well.

Wellie: Is it this big?

Laky: No! It's bigger than that!

Wellie laughs out loud.

Wellie: This is not possible. There is nothing bigger than my well.

Laky: If you want I would be very plesed to show you my lake.

Wellie: Ok, I accept it.

So, Laky takes Wellie, to show the little well frog, his lake. When Wellie sees Laky's lake, he is surprised. He cannot believe his eyes. He has never seen anything like this.

Wellie: Uauhh, this is big, really big! It's fantastic! This is amazing and unbelievably beautiful!

We are like the little frog living in our little world,
but within us is a joy unparalleled.
That is what we have the opportunity to feel.

- Prem Rawat

Animation: Four Prophets & Search for Happiness
05:05 min

There is a way
03:16 min