From Coal to Diamond

You have heard the word transform? Let me tell you about the transformation of coal. Coal is very dirty. It is so dirty that if you touch it, your fingers will become dirty. It is so dirty that if you are just around it when it is being handled, the dust from it will get all over you and you too will become black, like the coal. That how coal is. You see coal miners come out of the coal and they are completely black.

But, and this is the big but. When that coal is squeezed and squeezed and squeezed, it begins to transform, and it becomes a diamond. Now, lets talk about a diamond. Diamond is very different than the coal. Its clean. You put it in your pocket, and nothing will get dirty. You put it in your hand, it will not get dirty.

And then, if you take that diamond, cut it, facet it, it is such pure form of carbon, squeezed, that it will begin to shine. You can take the coal, a soft piece of coal, and try to clean it, wash it. If you try to wash a soft piece of coal, you know what will happen? The soap will get dirty. Your hands will get dirty. The cloth with which you are cleaning it will get dirty. Everything that it touches will become dirty.

And then the diamond, it is so tough that it can polish other things and make them shine incredibly. This is one of the most incredible examples of transformation.

So, do you have this possibility in your life? I am here to tell you, you do! You do! And that squeezing, I can make that happen. I have this wonderful gift, the gift of knowledge, that can transform you, from coal to diamond.

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