The Upanishads

One of these scriptures written a very long ago, and there is one little thing that I came across. There is a definition of what is knowledge and what is not. Here is the definition. That which brings you the knowledge of the self is knowledge, everything else is "non-knowledge". It takes a little while to sink it. But thats how it defines it. It does not dismiss science. But it says, the true knowing is the knowing of the self. Everything else is relative.

This is powerful. Because then, Socrates echoes the same thing, "Know Thyself." Today, "Know Thyself" has become a little thing they teach in the university. So, they can be tested and you can write an essay from it. The phrase from the Upanishads, hardly anyone knows it. But knowledge as it relates to knowing of the self and the value and the importance of knowing of the self is still alive today. It is being talked about, and being presented as the most important thing and people agreeing with it. Not one or two but hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people.

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