All is Well

You are on this planet earth. You are alive and you are making this journey. It is very easy to get confused. Well, there are so many people with me making this journey. No, they are not. Now how can I say that, because if you think they are all coming with you in this journey. Only one drops off.
I will tell you what happened. Grand Illusion happened. You are travelling alone. Every step. You think there is somebody to catch you, you are mistaken.
Is that bad? Is that a horrible news? The question isn't that. The question is, you have been walking. So, learn how to walk straight. Learn, how to walk in earnest. With the head held high with clarity, with smile, with a laughter, with certainty. All is well!
Krishna said, long time ago, even in your darkest hour, I will not abandon you. In other words, All is well!
That the gift of all gifts, the supreme gift, the gift of life, the gift of breath, the gift of being able to understand, the gift of being able to fell is unfolding everyday, never being taken away from you. Infact these gifts have been given with so much exacting power, that nobody can take them away. No one can take away that gift that is so freely given. This is what it means, to walk in clarity.

Chances of living life in joy
03;49 min

The Oldest Dream- at University of Salamanca
11:02 min