Conversation with a Cancer patient

This clip has been taken from an event which took place in Barcelona on 19th Dec, 2010. Maharaji talks to a lady who is suffering from Cancer.

Woman: "I'm going through Hard times because I'm ill. Nevertheless I feel so much hope and so much Joy. It's very surprising to me, I surprise myself!"

Maharaji: You have strength inside of you, hope inside of you. Dig it, and use it. Everyday! If you have cancer, Be a Cancer to the Cancer! And understand that ultimately you have to go. When? Nobody can tell you. But this illness, fight it. Fight and defeat this illness. If you can't, keep fighting it. That's the warrior in you. You thought you had to fight many wars, finally here is one war. Fight it. A warrior fights and fights and fights till the fight is no more.

You have knowledge, incredible source of strength. Why? I will tell you why. Because with this illness, your mind will come and eat you alive. Because this mind, will come and chew you up, at night, at day, every moment, beat you. Anything that can put this much distance between the mind and you is good. And knowledge can do that.

Best thing you can do, to beat this disease, is to enjoy every day. Because this is what it takes away from you. This is life. Your objective always has been since day one to enjoy every day that you have been given. No matter what happens in your life, your objective should not ever change. People get divorced, their loved ones go away. Your objective still should be the truest enjoyment of this heart. I strongly believe, thats why you were put here on the face of this earth.

Greta expresses, about a month before she passed away
08:20 min

Empowering People
07:10 min