Ezeiza Women’s Prison in Buenos Aires, Argentina

A 17-minute excerpt of Prem Rawat's 2012 address to students of TPRF's Peace Education Program at the Ezeiza Women's Prison, near Buenos Aires, Argentina. Invited by Prison inmates and officials, Prem Rawat, known more commonly by the honorary title, Maharaji, spoke at the Ezeiza Women's Prison in Argentina.
Prem Rawat humorously approaches issues of mortality, the necessity of capturing time, what it means to be human and the capacity for joy. "Do you understand what it means to be human?" he asks. "Do you? Have you actually understood yourself?" This episode also contains a video clip from Prem Rawat's visit to the Ezeiza Women's Prison in Argentina.
Read about this event here

Be Beautiful Now
02:53 min

What makes you truly happy?
06:17 min