Bangalore, India- February 2012

On February 11th, Maharaji traveled to Bangalore: a major city sometimes termed the "Silicon Valley of India" for its technology industry. A field had been set up with stage, screen and seats, ready to accommodate hundreds of eager listeners. As the day faded, Maharaji spoke to his audience about the nature of true thirst- and how, while that thirst is innate, we can easily forget it's there.

You look beautiful when peace dances on your face. That's when you look beautiful. And that is your true form- you don't know this form. This is your thirst, and you don't know your thirst. This is your hunger, but you don't know this hunger. And the day you recognize your true hunger, your true thirst, then everything will change for you. Because what you're looking for, you will find within you, very close to you. That's my message.

When it comes to matters of the heart, how can you compromise? The heart will not accept it. The heart wants the reality. The heart wants experience. Not somebody sitting there and telling you that you've had food- you've eaten, and it's done. What is done? So, I say that you're thirsty. You are thirsty to experience that supreme bliss.

Paani mein meen pyasi
03:19 min

Har manushya tak ye sandesh jaye
21:56 min